Off-Topic Scotland is dedicated to hosting the hard conversations relating to the continuing drive for Scottish independence. We aim to complement the many online voices presenting the economic, cultural and constitutional cases.
View BlogThe latest from Leah Gunn Barrett.
Our editorial position on a broad range of topics, outlined and updated as events unfold. Occasional guest editorials feature commentary with which we are in general agreement or present reasoned argument worth discussion.
View AllWho gets to define Scottish 'culture'? Who gets to practise it, promote and/or criticise it?
View AllFor some it's cut and dried - the people of Scotland are sovereign and that's it. For others 'there is no debate to be had' and Scotland was swallowed whole by Westminster three centuries ago. Was Scotland ever truly 'catch't'?
View AllWhere is the evidence that we can thrive as an independent nation? Where is the evidence that we can't?
View AllWith thought-provoking articles and insightful discussions, we aim to shed light on critical issues and inspire positive change. Join us in exploring the complexities of social challenges and discovering potential solutions to create a more equitable and inclusive Scotland.
View AllMainstream discussion of the situation in Ukraine does not permit any deviation from the 'Russia-bad' narrative.
View AllNo spam or ads, just the latest posts and updates from Scotland's newest pro-independence blog.