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'So, erm, well, er...'

Will Humza use his speech on Saturday to defend the HCA?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
2 mins

'Well, what can I say?'

by Rab Clark

Anticipation mounts across the nation as we look forward to Humza Yousaf's first 'public' speech in a long time.

(When was the last time he appeared in from of a crowd that wasn't an indoor SNP gig? Does anyone know?)

We're trying to imagine what his speech will be about. To that end we raised a poll on Twitter this morning. Here it is:

(2) Off-Topic Scotland on X: "Humza Yousaf will be speaking in public, in Glasgow, this coming Saturday. Do you think he will make any reference to the Hate Crime Act in his speech? 🧐" / X (twitter.com)

Not many votes in so far but this is how it's breaking down:

Humza Yousaf will be speaking in public, in Glasgow, this coming Saturday.Do you think he will make any reference to the Hate Crime Act in his speech?

  • Yes 11.1%
  • No 88.9%

36 votes·2 days left

8:40 AM · Apr 16, 2024

A couple of further questions are raised:

If he does mention the HCA, what on earth is he going to say about it?

HY has claimed that he is proud of the legislation, in which case we should perhaps expect to hear him explain to a (largely) sympathetic audience what's so good about it and what the rest of us have missed.

Secondly, if bookmakers handled scenarios such as these we would be staking some of our paltry funds that he won't get through his speech (no matter the duration) without interruption. Many people are angry with the SNP/Green govt generally and HY specifically. Any heckling will become the 'headline' from the whole event - is it worth taking the risk?

We don't know how long he has been slated to appear as a speaker but if we were one of his advisors (and we're assuming here that he does employ such people and at least occasionally listens to them) we'd be telling him to start feeling peely-wally sometime on Friday evening and helping him write a heartfelt apology for his no-show on Saturday.

Oh, and we almost forgot - it seems that SALVO intend to have a stall at the gathering.

So it could be an interesting afternoon come Saturday, Humza or no Humza.

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