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Wings readers' commentary on unfolding events pertinent to the Scottish independence movement.

Saturday, September 14, 2024
1hr 26mins

Wings Over Scotland | Going For Broke


24 August, 2024 at 8:13 am


I do hope those of us who support independence will soon see the day when Peter and the rest of them get their just deserts.

I am not alone in thinking ‘the rest of them’ will also have to include members of the police force,

Alf Baird

24 August, 2024 at 10:00 am

And so the dominant national party is co-opted by colonialism, according to postcolonial theory.

As Frantz Fanon wrote:

“While the native thought that he could pass without transition from the status of a colonized person to that of a self-governing citizen in an independent nation, he made no real progress along the road to knowledge.”



24 August, 2024 at 10:38 am

The same vile SNP – is not only robbing it’s branches for funds – it, continues to allow Westminster – and its corporate buddies to rob Scotland as well.

Of course – when the curtain finally falls on the political careers – of the likes of John Swinney, and Pete Wishart – these treacherous b*stards, will find themselves sitting on massive pension pots.


24 August, 2024 at 12:07 pm

No amount of money is worth betraying your country.

If I led Scotland to Independence, the bill would be zero pounds and zero pence. I’d actually be humbled by the honour of being asked to be honest, adequate payment in spades… Even as Breeks, annonymous and without a grain of personal accolade.

There would be a downside mind… If I was in charge, this modern day parcel O’ Rogues and tr@itors to Scotland would all be up to their necks in “shite”…. Sturgeon and her Alphabetty conspirators foremost amongst them. What can I say? It wouldn’t be pretty.


24 August, 2024 at 6:44 pm

Muscleguy @ 8:17am, you are gravely mistaken. You may be a very fine scientist but you clearly cannot read a set of accounts. That is OK. You are in good company, including a reasonably well-known blogger in the independence community who doesn’t get as many views on his website as Stu gets.

I am aware that people have been making comments on social media about Alba being in the red. To be clear, it is not enough to look at the Income & Expenditure Statement, nor is it even sufficient to look at the Balance Sheet. Notes to the accounts are an integral part of reading a set of financial statements. The Notes to the Accounts, in Alba’s case indicates that, as at December 31st last, we were in the black – not by much but still in the black. A deeper review of the full accounts also indicates that Alba is very good at paying its bills as they fall due. Fiscal responsibility is a good thing and I am glad we are practicing it. It is clear to anyone reading the accounts that there is work to be done in 2024 to maintain our financial position. However, it is evident to me that Alba leadership has practiced fiscal restraint in the past and, until I see evidence to the contrary, I trust them to continue doing so.

It would be really helpful if people would not rush to Twitter and post nonsense without thinking – that is the problem with social media and the “must do it NOW” culture into which many people are sucked. I am also surprised that a scientist such as yourself would not ask questions before forming a view.


24 August, 2024 at 11:07 pm

“I’m very happy indeed to wish them well, and many, many celebrations of the anniversary of their independence in the years to come.”

Aye. I bet you even have yer wee tash & salute even doon to a tee tae.
Lest we all forget the obvious – it has zero elected representative, has banned opposition & is scrounging off everyone for weapons so isn’t very fucking “independent” eh?

What have they done since independence besides waste millions to rename half the countrys streets & erect monuments after their Nazis fascist heroes & completely corrupt the country?


“Last year alone, 237 streets, squares, avenues and boulevards were renamed just in Kiev, as the city’s authorities, headed by mayor Vitaliy Klitschko, proudly report. The same government, which for nine years since 2014, when Klitschko first became mayor, could not build in Kiev, a city of 3 million people with constant traffic jams on the roads, a single new metro station, a single new multilevel transport interchange, a single new medical center, a single new campus, a single waste processing complex, and so on.

Where did such an insistent desire to rename everything and everyone come from? Is it because a large number of local residents wanted this? Because they were suddenly no longer satisfied with the names of the cities and streets, where they themselves, their parents, and sometimes grandparents were born and raised? Nothing of the sort. There were no referendums, no votes of local residents on these issues, no one asked their opinion.”

Yer a plebiscite Main, always will be. It’ll soon be time for you armchair fuckwits to be greeting over yer poppies while waving yer wee U flags.


25 August, 2024 at 7:13 am


We are all familiar with Scotland’s economic plunder, but I have misgivings about another form of plunder…

Right now, there seems to be a mountain of archaeological investigation going on into Iron Age Scotland, yet with rare exception, the case studies are presented by English presenters with a decidedly British perspective.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure these people are adequately qualified and probably have a wealth of experience, but where are Scotland’s archaeologists?

The actual history of Scotland truly fascinates me, yet time and again I’m obliged to sit through “introductions” to Lord So-and-so pictured here in all his finery…

The reverence is nauseating. Most of these f$*kers have been a blight on Scotland, and Scotland’s prosperity, for generations and I am certain they have nothing to add to Scotland’s historic credentials. I would more readily believe the opposite, that the same individuals would rather see Scotland’s heritage remain dormant and buried in the clay while they promote an ersatz “history” of Britain. Time was, they’d have poughed anything Scottish back underground.

I am curious about the mechanism which makes Archaeolgy in Scotland so apparently commercial in these difficult cash–strapped times. Who’s paying for this? I would like to be persuaded this isn’t just that Scotland is producing a wealth of stunning artifacts and archaeology, but as seems ever the case, Scotland’s wealth must be harvested by somebody else.

To my shame, I’d readily accept my personal mistrust could be misplaced, and perhaps we should be grateful for so much attention from experts in their field, but their “frightfully British” bias in perspective gives me the dry boak, and more seriously, sows doubts about their objective impartiality.

Granted, it must be tedious being an Archaeologist south of the Border where their inigenous culture was subsumed by centuries of Roman occupation; an prolonged occupation they seem weirdly proud about. It sticks in their craw that Caledonia resisted Roman invasion, while the tribes in the South rolled over.

There is a missing divide, a deference, between British Archaeology and Scottish Archaeology, and until that changes, hands off our stuff.


25 August, 2024 at 9:05 am

The good news for the SNP is that they are no longer absolutely insolvent. The not so good news is that their accumulated funds amounted to £441k at the end of a year with no major elections in it. In the current year they have had a general election. In the year to December 2023 their Parliamentary levy raised £322,900. I suspect this includes both Parliaments but it is clearly going to take a heavy hit in the current year. The accounts also do not reflect the monies received by the individual MPs to employ staff and office costs.

There was an increase in the declared income from £4.25m to £4.75m but this apparent improvement is more than made up by the fact that a branch levy charged the branches £670K compared with nothing in the previous year. If you strip that out then income actually fell. This levy is also reflected in the creditors figure (since in the previous year the central party had simply not paid the share of membership fees that should have been credited to them) which fell from £(1.23m) to £(640k). In short the entire apparent improvement in their balance sheet, plus a bit more, arises from an internal transfer of funds from the branches to the central party which did not involve actual payment of cash but a reduction in their debts to those branches.

Mr Murrell is still due £60K.

The fact that this apparent improvement comes from these internal transfers and effective writing off of internal debt is reflected that the cash in hand amounted £42k, down fractionally from £46k the year before. How that was supposed to pay for a GE campaign is a mystery that will only be solved next year.

Alf Baird

25 August, 2024 at 9:45 am

Hatey McHateface @ 9:18 am

“Tell us though, just what is it about a nation fighting to rid itself of occupation, colonialism and imperialism that sticks in your craw so much.”

These people were not properly liberated, they were sold on and enslaved by their own corrupt elite to another imperial power and ideology/culture; it is now the latter’s dubious values that are sovereign in their land, which is being wasted.

The people in question are still colonized, this time by a different albeit still alien culture. No matter who the colonizer is, a colonized people remain ‘bystanders in their own land’ (Memmi).


25 August, 2024 at 10:38 am

If those seeking Scottish independence were truly «nationalist» the SNP wouldn’t be what it is now.
Too many just play mind games.
The British state needs to be scared out its aging wits, not massaged.


25 August, 2024 at 10:46 am

The Yankees empire is over.

They’re completely out of control & answerable to no one. Not just from threatening nukes but from their endless crusade against everyone else’s safety & security.

Just what exactly are they doing in U with 46 bio labs & permission to kickstart that great Nazi past-time of practicing science on the infirm – that they originally crawed was propaganda. Yet another lie exposed. Wouldn’t surprise me at all to discover C*vID was deliberately planted in China cause that’s what they do.

I’d rather have anyone than these fucking eejits in charge to destroy Europeans & blatantly defy international law..they should feck off back to Yankee land – plenty nutters to experiment on there..

I’ve had to modify link to remove U..


Alf Baird

25 August, 2024 at 12:46 pm

Anthem @ 11:11 am

“We know very little about Scottish history..Which is surprising since the Kingdom of Scotland is so much older than the declared kingdom of wangaland.”

Indeed. Not many know of the merger between Scottii and Pictii kingdoms to form what we know of as Scotland. As in any merger one culture becomes more dominant than the other; hence perhaps ‘Scotland’ rather than ‘Pictland’.

One preference might have been ‘Pictland’ given that the Picts are descended from the ancient Neolithic inhabitants, whereas the Scottii entered these lands via Ireland (then known as Scotia) from around AD 500. Which also reflects the subsequent linguistic divide to some extent – ‘Gaelic’ west, ‘Scots’ (or Picts?) east.

What we do know for sure is that country house ‘English’, the dominant language we are taught in school, BBC etc, has nae roots in Scotland (Kay).


25 August, 2024 at 1:37 pm

Poll suggests – that BLiS branch manager Anas Sarwar – will be Scotland’s next FM – and that Nigel Farage’s Reform Party – will win, eight MSP seats at Holyrood.



25 August, 2024 at 2:43 pm

Alf Baird
25 August, 2024 at 12:46 pm

What we do know for sure is that country house ‘English’, the dominant language we are taught in school, BBC etc, has nae roots in Scotland (Kay).

Meh, not so sure.

Naturally, English didn’t exist because England didn’t exist, but that forerunner to English has been called Northumbrian English, but English retrospectively. There certainly weren’t any Angles kicking around at the time.

Northumbrian simply, but quite literally, meant it came from North of the Humber Estuary, which covers quite a broad Kirk if you think about it.

I’ve mentioned before that the earliest recorded place name in Scotland is Stenhousemuir; the placename derived from the Moor with the stane hoose on it, and that stane hoose was reputed to be Arthur’s O’on, a Roman Temple thought to be associated with the Antonine Wall built in AD 142.

The words “stane” and “hoose” are described as Northumbrian English words, but would ostensibly pre-date Dál Riata by three, possibly four Centuries at least.

OK, it’s true, the name might have been compiled later than the Roman Temple’s construction, but Occam’s Razor tends to suggest it wasn’t, and North of Humber “English” was already established in Scotland very early.

These times are somewhat mysterious and ambiguous, but I think that “Northumbria”, and what it actually was, remains a significant part of the greater conundrum. I wouldn’t be too hasty to expunge the language from the earliest semblance of Caledonia / Scotland.

I think “the” language went South, and came back to the North “branded” as English.

IF we assume the Picts were indigenous to what would become Scotland, and “Angle-ish” is linguistically distinct from European languages, (Celtic and Roman), isn’t it possible that Northumbian language might have had a load of Pictish influence to it, waaay before it ever became Angle-ish?

Maybe English didn’t come to Pictland, but Pictland spread it’s influence South centuries earlier.

Idle speculation of course,… or is it? Maybe Old English isn’t as Germanic as it’s believed to be. The oldest texts written in Northumbrian “English” are “just” 7th Century… 500 years after the Stane Hoose Moor ostensibly got it’s name.

See why I get nervous about English archaeologists decoding Scotland’s history?

Robert Hughes

25 August, 2024 at 3:21 pm

ROS @ I.31

Yes , the next big scare on the horizon is the Pox formerly-known-as Monkey ( they changed the name in case monkeys were offended ; they’re so thoughtful like that )

It should slot-in nicely once the Proxy War has ended ( probably in 6 months or so ) .

We now live in a state of Perma-Crisis ; how else can * they * keep populations subservient and compliant : particularly when those populations have shown themselves to be so easily manipulated and willing to abandon whatever capacity for independent , critical thought they might have ? Not entirely surprising when the entire MSM , Political Class & Medical Establishment ruthlessly reinforce whatever agenda is being advanced .

* Covid * was merely a trial-run .The next time the enforcing of * measures * will be even more extreme .

Those paragons of selfless devotion to the welfare of humanity – the E.U – are in the process of rolling-out Vaccine Passports , their counterparts in that other bastion of benevolence – W.H.O
are attempting to give themselves the power to overrule National Governments and impose whatever shit they deem ” necessary ” and all the fun-loving Philanthropaths , eg Gates n Big Daddy Pharma are already rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of making more $gazillions . All to keep us ” safe ” .

We really don’t deserve them . We REALLY don’t .


All overseen by that omniscient demi-god * drum roll * ………

THE SCIENCE !( not to be confused with that old fraud – Science)

Of course , best laid plans n’aw that ….events in M.E might make ” the next Pandemic ” ( which they are not ” predicting , but promising ) superfluous if , eg Beni n the Neo-Stern Gang * succeed * in their desire to precipitate WW3 .

’cause y’know their god is not just a ” jealous god ” ( fuck ! imagine being the creator of EVERYTHING n still being jealous )
be he’s also a fuckn homicidal psycho who loves his creation as the wolf loves the lamb as he’s tearing it apart and savouring the taste of it’s warm blood .

Scottish Independence ? Forget it .

That will never happen until people stop consuming the poisonous diet of lies n intelligence-insulting versions of reality they’re fed 24/7 365 and stop giving power to the endless succession of pricks n fannies who comprise the Political Class that serve them this diet .

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

25 August, 2024 at 7:41 pm


The robin the cat caught,
dying in my hands.
My grief for Scotland also.


A’ bhrù-dhearg a ghlac an cat,
a’ bàsachadh nam làimh.
Mo chràdh air sgàth Alba os barr.


25 August, 2024 at 8:23 pm

We now know why independence will never be achieved & the SNP went to the dogs the moment those fuckwits went to WM.

Until the UK is knocked off it’s security council perch, which will thankfully be soon, it’ll always be compromised by the geno-cide lobby.

Anyone who watches the UN live TV channel will know that’s an absolute given. Over 100 countries can condemn what’s happening in Palestine until it comes time for the eejit from the UK to speak with the usual shite “an invading, murdering, gen-ocidal, rap*ng, degenerate force has a right to defend itself & can take as much land as they see fit” pish..

There’ll be a special seat in hell for them. They’ll not take their bank balance with them.

The SNP is an administration. It has fuck all business cozying up to warmongering degenerates on their wee all expenses paid excursions to be indoctrinated into their plastic pish their God gave them permission. All sense is lost on those fucking zoomers. No one else would get away with that pish in a court of law. “God gave me it” lol! I suppose they can prove that eh?

The Anglo American downfall can’t come soon enough. They’re a fcking weapon to world peace, security & the human race. If they can’t threaten with nukes & trade – they’ll try a spot of virus/chemical warfare. I didn’t know until recently that they had refused to sign up to a world wide agreement NOT to put nukes in space. FFS – hopefully soon they’ll all fuck off & colonise Mars out of everyone else’s airspace.

It also proves, just like the EU & USA congress, WM is completely captured. Nothing good will ever happen there. Money talks & trumps democracy.

Alf Baird

25 August, 2024 at 9:59 pm

TURABDIN @ 5:39 pm

“Lowland Scots pushed their way into Orkney & Shetland «overwriting» the norse language and culture of the islands.”

Not quite. The Picts as descendants of the Neolithic people, according to the archaeological and historical record, would rightly have regarded the vikings as invaders. The Pictish kingdom opted to merge with the Gaels to create a Scotland able to repel the vikings and other invaders.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

26 August, 2024 at 12:35 am

For those investigating Pictish, one available resource online is the 2015 PhD thesis by Guto Rhys (329 page pdf) —


« 1.5 The Battle over the Ghosts of the Picts: In the late eighteenth century the conflict over the Picts and their language grew more virulent, driven by political, religious and ethnic prejudices and factionalism. This century saw not only the union of the parliaments of Scotland and England in 1707 but also the violent defeat of Jacobitism in 1746 and the attendant suppression of Gaelic identity. The later horrors of the Highland Clearances and famine were to contribute to the contempt felt by many towards all things Gaelic.

« As we enter more deeply into the Enlightenment little credence was given to early origin myths, and a new critical approach, based on evidence and reason, emerged. The Picts were sometimes pressed into service to validate the personal and political agendas, or bias, of involved parties. Some Scots-speaking Lowlanders were placed in a quandary; just how Celtic should they consider themselves? Buying in to a Gaelic past would involve equating themselves with tribal, highland barbarians who were moreover descended from immigrant Irish, whose adherence to Catholicism in recent centuries evoked alarm. Imagining themselves as immigrant Saxons involved the danger of delegitimizing their claim, as first holders, to occupy and rule the land. Finding the means to portray Lowlanders as indigenous, in particular if this could trump Gaelic claims to the linguistically anglicised east, had great appeal.

« The Picts, details of whose language and culture were gradually emerging from the murky past, were becoming objects of increasing interest. They had left very little in terms of concrete evidence of their identity and they were ‘convenient blank sheets on which almost any tale could be written’ (Ferguson 1998, 185). »



26 August, 2024 at 6:48 am

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
26 August, 2024 at 12:35 am

… Some Scots-speaking Lowlanders were placed in a quandary; just how Celtic should they consider themselves?

I think that’s a modern concept, probably introduced by 18th Century unionism to “homogenise” their precious UK. Prior to the Union, I don’t believe many Scots gave their origins a second thought.

That’s not to say they didn’t appreciate the various influences and heritage, but I don’t believe they were in a quandary about it.

My point wasn’t trying to identify a Scottish or Pictish exceptionalism, but merely to hypothesise that Northumbrian English was in widespread use in Scotland centuries before it was expropriated by “English” language. For the longest time, there hadn’t even been an England.

To announce to poor Scots that the language they’d been speaking for centuries was suddenly English must have come as quite an unwelcome shock to them.

As evidence of this, I cited the Stane-hoose surname, which ostensibly pre-dated the Mc’s and Mac’s still yet to arrive in Scotland by some 400 years.

Do I query their subsequent claim to be Scottish? Absolutely not. But similarly, I see Northumbrian “English” as scarely English at all.

Scots and English I believe are derived from a common linguistic ancestor which was neither Scottish nor English. Might Pictish have influenced this language? Why not? The populations must surely have communicated.

Alf Baird

26 August, 2024 at 11:02 am

dasBlimp @ 9:23 am

“Wonder no more”

Aye richt, wunner nae mair, yon doun-hauden fowk:


“Scots is recognised as an indigenous language of Scotland by the Scottish government,[8] a regional or minority language of Europe,[9] and a vulnerable language by UNESCO”

Hallelujah, but….a langage that isna taucht tae a doun-hauden fowk is aye ‘vulnerable’ tae ‘colonial linguicide’ (Phillipson). Which is all about changing a peoples identity – e.g. tae mak a fowk mair ‘British’ an nae mair ‘Scottis’.

Hence oor ain language is a key determinant of independence for ‘a people’ – somebody ought to inform the daeless SNP who have yet to figure oot whit independence means!



26 August, 2024 at 2:58 pm

Who could blame our hard working teachers – if they decide to take strike action – Tammany Hall – aka Glasgow City Council, is full to the gunnels, with crooks and con men/women – lets start by cutting their jobs – and keep the teachers, lets face it, we need the teachers more than that lot.

“Teachers in Glasgow are to vote on striking in a row over controversial job cuts.

The EIS union describes Glasgow City Council’s decision to cut 450 posts over three years as “damaging and dangerous”.

The council axed 172 of those teaching posts this year. The ballot will run until 1 October.

If teachers vote to strike, action could take place after schools return from the half term break. They are also voting on whether to take part in other forms of industrial action short of striking.”


26 August, 2024 at 7:27 pm

Kind of busy with other stuff at the moment but was taking a quick swatch at some of the BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) for energy grid projects. And trying to comprehend how all these numerous individual projects will be coordinated and what contracts they’ll get.
This is big budget and complex stuff and you have to wonder just how it is all being dealt with when you consider how “well” matters like Deposit Return Scheme and procurement of a couple of ferries were handled…




Sirius EcoDev is an interesting search in Companies House.

Dumbarton Rock

26 August, 2024 at 9:23 pm

Flamingo Land or Lomond Banks as they’re now calling it, would be a disaster but the good people now running Balloch and Haldane Community Council are fighting back.
The leaders of the recently reformed Balloch and Haldane Community Council, have not only been vocal opponents of the Flamingo Land project but have actively used the Community Empowerment Act to galvanise local resistance. They’re spearheading a community buyout, proving that when a community comes together, it can fight for its future on its own terms.

These actions reflect the kind of leadership Scotland needs—leaders who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get stuck into the nitty-gritty of community empowerment. They’re showing us all that self-determination isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a living, breathing process that involves standing up for what is right for our people and our environment.



27 August, 2024 at 12:01 am

Interesting update from Steepbrae and Dumbarton Rock on how a local community group are trying to stymie the Loch side land giveaway to the developer Flamingo Land.

Coming on top of over a 140,000 objectors it shows how iconic public land can and should be used for public good and future generations.

Quite how a sole, privately owned English development company is going to be given a huge swathe of land on the banks of Loch Lomond is nothing short of an outrage.

Santa Claus showering land on to a development company so that they can then develop the land is just unbelievable.

But there is similar precedent only a few miles away where at Lomond Gate as it subsequently got called, land that was owned by the public good was sold by the council to a CIC for a notional one pound.

Thereafter the development company which comprised of a board co-opted with directors from corporate businesses like Chivas Whisky and similar sold the once public land to a developer who then sold on parcels of land to housing developers, retail development companies like Premier Inn, Brewers Fayre Aggreko, a major garage and retail outlet.

With many of the parcels of land sold for many millions of pounds the land and the buildings on it are now worth hundreds of millions of pounds.

But where did all the profit go from this land sold for £1.00 by the council ( and common good land not their’s to sell) to a so called CIC development company go.

It’s absolutely wild, and all in plain sight if one looks. But folks don’t and the wide boys clean up.

Anyway, the reason the land was held in the common good was because the title too it was originally vested in the Scottish Crown going back to King Robert the Bruce. Indeed in part with some of the land comprising what was then intertidal land, King Robert the Bruce apparently moored his ships in what was the Bay of Murroch.

And now, the land is owned in only a few short years by corporates around the globe and in off shore jurisdictions.

Lomond Gate, Lomond Banks, gas and oil, wind farms, battery farms, just ask yourself, who owns Scotland?

Aye Scotland, a land that discovered oil and gas, and hydro and wind and owns none of it whilst the people struggle to heat their homes.

At least the North American Indians got glass beads.


27 August, 2024 at 12:03 am


“All the more inexplicable that Alf is so implacably supportive of the imperialist aggressor in the Eastern War.”

You’re proving yer ignorance again. The whole reason that kicked off, besides the Anglo American coup to hail in the Nazis & instigate a good purging, was the systematic persecution of R speakers as laid out in the original Minsk agreement, Minsk two & again in the Istanbul agreement. Odd innit that it’d be mentioned in three official agreements yet the Western propagandists claim it never happened. Not even burning them alive (Odessa) No siree. Never happened. Doesn’t happen.

Yer buddies then went on to persecute others which now includes
*The R Orthodox church
*Trade unions
*Opposition parties
*The media
*Anyone who won’t sign up to the military
*Anyone who won’t bend the knee to Z
*An international “hit list” of geopolitical dissenters
*International “Information terrorists” LOL!
*Refugees refusing to return to fight should have their host nation deport them/ deny them money at their bank/ arrest their wages & have the money sent to U for Zs latest yacht the war effort LOL!!

Lest we forget, spending millions renaming streets after Nazis & destroying historic statues despite not a pot to piss in & scrounging around the globe.

& All while being unelected. Position expired.

Deary, deary. There goes those “Western values” fir ye.. spreading “democracy” USA style..A coup, a spot of purging, funding and bobs yer uncle, the colonisers have a conflict started – again. Classic playbook – if it’s not religion, start warring factions over language. Works a treat.

& There ya go..a list (not all) of their purging of R & anything & anyone associated with it.

Ye need reminding too, U WAS independent. Look who fucked that right up eh? Still, there’s at least $12 trillion natural untapped assets for the Yanks & Black Rock has already snagged itself chunks of land. & Not a single army needed. Remind us again who is the Imperialists? Another colonial sport, have them fight amongst themselves, they’re all R speakers to racists.


27 August, 2024 at 7:17 am

27 August, 2024 at 2:55 am

@ Dumbarton rock and Steepbrae , with respect, this community buyout exemplifies just how much we the electorate are treated with contempt from the establishment, this land is actually owned by the common good NOT the quango Scottish Enterprise whatever and whoever they are

In effect we will be buying our own land from a quango who do not own it and do not even have the right to sell it, even to flamingo land

This is like having a crowdfunder to challenge the SG’s reviled hate crime law in court where the public are responsible for raising the legal funds for the CHALLENGE, YET at the same time we the public are also financing the SG’s DEFENSE of the reviled hate crime law , it is lunacy on stilts…

It IS lunacy on stilts, but the very same thing is happening both in the Middle East and Kursk. Insane events are happening, backed / sponsored by mentally unhinged Western “Leaders” throwing eye watering amount of money around, which isn’t theirs to spend, but who do not submit their actions to scrutiny, democratic control or sanction.

The planet may be seconds away from nuclear catastrophe, because NATO instigated a coup and proxy war it “thought” it could win, which has just recently occassioned NATO forces to invade sovereign Ru$$ian territory. That fact alone, that event coming to pass, is a line in the sand which, brace yourselves, entitles Ru$$ia to use their nuclear weapons in defence. The trigger has been pulled, the criteria for nuclear war met…

That we are not dust and ashes already, is due in large part to Ru$$ia’s RESTRAINT, and dare I say it, sanity in the face of outrageous provocation. I suspect too, the misadventure in Kursk has been no more successful than the remarkably similar Ardennes misadventure in Dec 1944.

This madness MUST de-escalate, or we are literally doomed. The West, yes I do mmean the West, must come to it’s senses, or we’re all dead.

Robert Hughes

27 August, 2024 at 8:57 am

@ Breeks

The obscenity of German – fucking German – tanks in Kursk, is justification enough for R to obliterate every trace of the pestilent Yank puppets Z regime in Kiev ;fortunately – for mankind – R has displayed remarkable restraint in the face of incessant , unhinged provocation ; displayed remarkable restraint SO FAR .

Unlike the pampered , degenerate clown show under the leadership of ever-smirking WEF-sponsored Globalist Von der Leyen , ie EU ,post-imperial fantasist Yank poodle UK and the MIC-owned donkeys in the US , R understands history , understands suffering , understands sacrifice . Understands the total horror of war .

The US engineered this insanity through it’s ” we own the World ” demented hubris & insatiable lust for MORE MORE MORE : more riches , more control , more domination of others ; in short… more POWER .

Drunk on it’s post-WW2 industrial/economic might ; unscathed on it’s home turf – unlike exhausted , ravaged Europe – for almost 80 years it has been swinging it’s military dick all over the Globe ; when not outright invading sovereign States , eg Korea , Vietnam , Panama , Afghanistan , Iraq , to name just some , it’s been the ardent supporter of every fucked-up extreme Right Gov in Latin America , Africa and elsewhere ; fomenting strife , toppling elected Govs – most recently the Maidan coup – installing it’s preferred puppets , and generally being the igniter of Global conflagrations whenever/wherever it has considered such actions to be in it’s * interests * . No cost in terms of human misery has been too high to protect those * interests * – as long as it’s other peoples who are paying that price .

Well , looks like it’s 80 year bender is coming to and end and the mother of all hangovers is about to kick-in .

Time to sober-up Uncle Sam , before cirrhosis of the intelligence kills not just you but the entire planet

Dorothy Devine

27 August, 2024 at 10:26 am

Anyone read the piece in the Guardian?
‘SNP will lose Scottish election without complete rethink’

Wonder what they’re doing about it .

How’s the ‘rethink’ going chaps and chapesses?

Come to any major conclusions as to why the electorate and membership have abandoned you?

How much money in the piggy bank??

Robert Hughes

27 August, 2024 at 10:28 am

” Isn’t there a pub you can all meet up in and spare the rest of us your “opinions”? ”

Isn’t there a wee cave where you and yr ilk can go and talk about Scottish Politics – ” Alex Salmond says …. ” , ” that SNP, aren’t they just awful ” , ” did you see that article in the National ” blah fucking blah : who fucking cares what’s happening in ” Scottish Politics ” as we’re pushed ever-closer to nuclear oblivion ?

If the insanity continues there won’t be any Scottish Politics ; there may not be any Scotland you dummy , given the target our country will almost certainly be if this shitshow escalates out of control as it threatens to .

Go on , tell us again how important the 2026 S.E is . That should help to pull us back from the brink of Mass Extinction , eh ?


27 August, 2024 at 12:59 pm

This is not just the fault of the vile treacherous House Jocks – its also a symptom, one of many – of being held in this illegal union – we need to get the House Jocks out of office, they’re the main stumbling block – to kicking this illegal union into touch.

Come the 2026 Scottish elections – don’t vote for the SNP or the Greens – and it goes without saying -that the indy supporters don’t vote for the unionist branch offices at Holyrood either – such as the Lib/Dems, Tories and BLiS aka Scottish Labour.

Where you can vote for the ISP and Alba.

“The number of Scots who are on an NHS waiting list has reached a new high – with official figures showing 864,366 patients are waiting either for an appointment, for tests or for hospital treatment.

That includes more than 9,000 patients who have been waiting at least two years for either in-patient or day care treatment in a hospital, or for an outpatient appointment. Public Health Scotland data from the end of June 2024 also showed there were 1,324 patients who have been waiting three years or more for hospital treatment, either as an in-patient or on a day care basis.”

Dorothy Devine

27 August, 2024 at 1:17 pm

Meant to send my congratulations to the Scottish Womens Hockey team who won the European Championship at the weekend – in trult disgusting weather.
I do not know if the ‘Scottish’ TV companies picked up on the fact that we have women champions – I would like to think it was reported but I have my doubts.

Alf Baird

27 August, 2024 at 1:37 pm

socratesmacsporran @ 11:21 am

“The centre of the country is somewhere in the Northern Pennines”

The centre of Scotland is just north of Dalwhinnie – A’ve seen the stane masel:

But Shug is right, the Edinburgh festival has little to do with Scots and, given its many downsides, might as well be held in southern England, which fits more its ‘cultural’ centre anyway.


27 August, 2024 at 1:47 pm

Last week there was a nasty little story on the beeb, basically that international students are “paying for the scots students degrees” … and without them there would be nothing

there was a queer, accusatory vibe about it all : “the UNIS are FUCKEDUP and ITS YOUR FAULT!”

– so, the SCOTS ARE FREELOADING off the BAMS??

But the unis BELONG to the scottish people, they were built and paid for by generations of scots, going back to the 15th century – you don’t educate your people for a short term profit but for the long term societal payoff – an educated, capable, highly skilled people; if they are not educating scots, there is no need for them. If they want to be businesses, then they don’t need govt grants and can pay the full tax rate.

what do you say?

– its a ripoff anyway; what worth are degrees if they dish them out like sweets. STEM is bad enough, but the entirety of arts/social sciences, it fills their heads with shite – would be better if that was shutdown for a decade, to clear out all the crap

43000 students at glesga and similar at edinburgh – I am sure its a high quality product. Also, both of these institutions have seen massive amounts of new buildings in recent years – but they claim they are skint. Maybe they should sack their vice chancellors, save a couple of bob.

You can get all the material on the web anyway, e.g. MIT courseware – all the uni does is give you the paper.

unis are tax exempt charities, get billions in govt grants and research money, are having a building boom, then turning round and claiming they are skint – maybe they should compete in the free market, on their own two feet.

– one other thing : I don’t trust anyone who sat all their exams online. Cheating has been a problem since the internet and mobile and also – continuous assessment, coursework, but these days … you can have your buddy behind your monitor, 20 tabs open, along with gpt, feeding you the answers.

The tale is worse than you think – the scotsman, of all rags, had the story, but you need to read down quite far to hit the meat :


international students accounting for 47 per cent of the total at St Andrews University and 42 per cent at Edinburgh University.

About 26 per cent of St Andrews students were Scottish, with 24 per cent coming from England, while at Edinburgh a quarter were from England and 29 per cent were Scottish.

An investigation by The Scotsman in February found the majority of schools and departments at Edinburgh and St Andrews universities made a higher rate of offers to prospective undergraduates from overseas compared to those from Scotland.

If you asked most people they would assume that our unis educated, say 80% scots, 10% english and 10% overseas – way, way, off beam.

The unis are not educating the scottish people, they are merely international business rackets, running a very nice operation being tax exempt and all that, plus getting all those grants, often for some hilariously stupid research. Unis don’t even pay their research and teaching staff all that much – a lot of roles you can make double in industry, but it looks kinda cool to have say “researcher, edinburgh uni” on the CV. Something stinks and I think there should be a massive audit of them all.

In fact, something really stinks; half punters are paying full whack, 1/4 of the punters pay half-whack, you don’t pay tax and your staff are paid peanuts and are on short term contracts, plus the govt/research councils give you piles of dosh … cleaning staff on 12pph, dinner ladies the same … the students have their own laptops/tablets/tech, half the courses are online and the tutorials are run by grad students. Is there a black hole here, or what? Maybe ask the physics dept. down the clerk maxwell building? Oh yeah, then there’s the business spin outs in the commerce parks associated with them, that’s another tickle.

– this “selling Scotland by the pound”, the grand carve up is happening all over with everything. In theory, we still have the political power to stop all this, but once you become a minority in your own land, you lack that recourse even in principle.

People have a lot of goodwill and pride towards our universities, but they don’t know what is really going on. The ripoffs never stop – like the building booms in the cities – that’s not about affordable housing for working people, it’s mainly for students, who come and go and pay over the odds.

Maybe we should go to the endpoint of it all – welcome to BlackRock University (Edinburgh) or BlackRock University (Glasgow), blackrock fucking everywhere.

Our unis, greedy for the cash, take a “pragmatic view” towards idiot foreigners, massaging grades to keep the dough flowing; but this is a general problem, not confined to the outsiders.

Harvard might the richest uni on earth – “a hedge fund pretending to be an educational establishment”

– some people say a unis not a uni unless it was founded by the pope; harvard was founded by puritan nutters, heretics too harsh for england – interesting short –


– and just mind, conspiracies be damned, these fuckers do control the world, probably via informal networks.


27 August, 2024 at 4:56 pm

@ Confused

Unfortunately I reckon I am going to have to create another university.
But mine will have a twist in that it will teach more useful stuff like how to grow vegetables and how to use a spade, instead of a load of intellectual pie in the sky bullshit.
It’s aw very well these young and cretinous middle class woke fuckers whining about net zero and saving the planet, but if they don’t actually get their shit together and learn the basics of what is required to survive in a sustainable way and live by these principles, then they should just embrace the cosy warm feeling of global immolation because they themselves are the exact problem that they claim to be fighting against.

First students to be educated on spade use have already been identified and are the couple of council workers that drive about in a £150K diesel powered drain cleaning lorry sooking out the road side drain sediment bowls, but drive off without ensuring the actual outflow pipe is clear. This morning I spotted seven drains in a row still choked after they’d be “cleaned” a week or so back.
There’s defo significant room for improvement on efficiency there I feel.


27 August, 2024 at 10:58 pm

DAN-UNI has a ring to it.

Practical education existed, but was seduced by the notion of becoming “universities” and cashing in on that; foreigners who think going to East Leicestershire University is going to be Brideshead Revisited and High Table.

The AI boom will create a few AI jobs, but will otherwise eliminate 2/3 of paper pushing office jobs; the middle class are to be crushed, the workers, for once, getting it easy (because they already had their beating 30 years ago.) Computer vision and human dexterity is very hard, much harder than language models. If you could build a robot plumber, it would cost 100M USD, not economic.

– practical skills have staying power. The mobile phone has degraded everything – the kids don’t even understand slightly less new tech – they don’t understand folders on the filesystem (all is backed up on the cloud), they live in terror of the office printer/copier. They also have a very shallow understanding – they think you can do anything with a swipe or flick, fill in a form by voice control, they don’t know what is going on, what is underneath, how it really works. Some folks think the tech world is heading for a crisis of expertise.

Best if you can do both – check out the modelling and design software (with their components libraries), which can be used to drive 3d printers. “seize the means of production”.

I like the idea of off grid – self sufficiency and freedom, but you know if too many people did it they would ban it; some US states ban the collection of rainwater – it belongs to the corporations. Growing your own food may break safety laws. The planning system is a throwback to feudalism, but its a corrupt little racket and greases many palms at a local level.

Wings Over Scotland | Into the far away


27 August, 2024 at 1:53 pm

Tommy Sheppard selling the punters the usual tired old wank until he can draw his pension … more to follow on bear’s toilet habits, the pope’s religion

this referendum in the 30s, even if you believed it, is pointless; the polite way to say it is “demographic changes”, which is in old money – you will have about 1million more english up here and about 500K “BAMS”, plus you will probably lose 300K Scots.

The trouble with “civic nationalism” is if – the other guys – are actually ethno nationalists (of a different kind), little englanders and caliphate afficionados.

The EU should be left out of the equation, a good idea ruined by US and anglo subversion but still better than being in the UK. The “EFTA is better” idea should be promoted – it’s the “rich kids club for cool dudes and hot chicks”.

Alf Baird

27 August, 2024 at 2:42 pm

“The numbers simply do not permit it” (i.e. independence)

The British state know that managed demographic change in Scotland is in its favour. The census tells us that Scotland’s birth rate is the lowest on record, and that in-migration to Scotland (controlled by Westminster) is now as much as 128,000 people per annum (2021-22). Scotland’s population is therefore only growing through in-migration according to the census.

If the population is rising via migration by say 50,000 people net a year (48,800 in 2021-22), this means an additional half a million people are added to Scotland’s population every 10 years.

This helps explain Scotland’s ongoing health, housing and other public services crisis amidst ever rising demand (population growth) but with no additional money coming from Westminster. It also explains the containment of the anti-colonial ‘Yes’ vote as the mostly ‘No’ voting population holding to other national identities increases year-on-year.

Further delay of another referendum to sometime in the 2030’s is therefore heavily in the British state’s interest, not least because by then (or certainly by 2040) based on current trends indigenous Scots are likely to comprise less than 50% of Scotland’s population.


27 August, 2024 at 3:34 pm

This BS from Sheppard – and a million other reason is, why we need to remove the SNP from office – they SNP has sold us out, and we need to vote out as many SNP/Greens MSPs as we can – come the 2026 Scottish elections.

Sheppard is part of the problem – not the solution – House Jocks are the main stumbling block, to getting some form of indy back on track.

Alf Baird

27 August, 2024 at 4:43 pm

Andrea @ 4:06 pm

“I find a narrow majority to be morally wrong for something like independence.”

There is nothing ‘moral’ about colonialism, which is regarded as a crime against humanity. Human values are also rather hard to find in a colonial society (Cesaire).

The UN describes colonialism as ‘a scourge’, a form of punishment, and calls for it to end. A colonised ‘people’ have an ‘inalienable right’ to self-determination independence under international law.

As a matter of law, a referendum is not a necessary requirement for independence.



27 August, 2024 at 5:24 pm

“As a matter of law, a referendum is not a necessary requirement for independence.”


Why do we need anything at all – to dissolve this illegal union – if there was NO union in the first place – why are we pussy footing around ways in which to dissolve it.


The above quite clearly shows that there was no union – there couldn’t have been one – so why the f*ck is it not pointed out and shouted from the highest finials, that the Emperor has no clothes on?

It must be that the treacherous House Jocks refuse to recognise the truth – the truth that there is no union – that there never was a union -and they’ll never be a union – because the two countries sovereignties are utterly incompatible.

Our vile b*stard House Jocks – and the foreign media are doing their utmost, to keep alive the idea that the union is real – when it isn’t.

The SNP government – and party must now been seen for what they really are – a puppet regime with limited leeway to give off the impression that Scotland, isn’t a colony or controlled from London – add in that the Lib/Dems, Labour and the Tories at Holyrood – are all branch offices of London’s HQs, part of their vile remits, will be to keep the status quo intact – to keep Scotland down and tied to this illegal union.

We’ll need to take our independence – to rid ourselves of this illegally foisted upon Scotland union – there’s no other way.


27 August, 2024 at 5:42 pm

Peter. S.

“The UK Establishment will never agree to Scottish Independence. Scotland’s resources are far too valuable to them. Scotland has to declare Independence unilaterally, and take it.

It is no use doing this like Catalonia, where the Spanish civil guard and judiciary effectively wiped out the nascent state before it could breathe.

A Scottish government, whether arising from the Scottish Parliament or from another body, needs in declaring Independence to ensure it has practical control of Scotland.

That means that the organs of the state have to acknowledge the Scottish state. All taxes collected must go to Edinburgh, not to Westminster. The judiciary must apply Scottish laws and not Westminster ones, where they conflict, and specifically apply all new laws post the Declaration of Independence. The police must answer only to Scottish authorities. Ultimately so must the military stationed in Scotland.

At the time Independence is declared, immediate action must be taken to ensure all civil servants, judges, police and military take an oath of loyalty to the people of Scotland and its new government, and renounce any previous loyalty to Crown and to UK political institutions. Anybody refusing must be summarily dismissed from their positions.

We have the example of Catalonia before us. We also have the example of Egypt’s only ever democratically elected leader, President Morsi, who died horribly in jail after being overthrown by a CIA coup because he failed to take the elementary precaution of dismissing and imprisoning all the military regime’s corrupt judges. He should have learnt from Fritz Bauer.

Let us not make those mistakes.

Ultimately, it boils down to this.

1) Westminster will never agree to Scottish Independence.

2) Scotland therefore has no option but to declare Independence unilaterally.

3) Any independent state must be prepared to defend itself by physical force from foreign attack. So must a newly declared Independent Scotland.

4) All who refuse to serve an Independent Scotland must then be removed from all organs of the state.

5) Once an Independent Scotland has physical control of its territory and resources, international recognition will soon follow. Brexit has completely changed the political atmosphere with regard to the crucial attitude of the European Union to London’s government.”


George Ferguson

27 August, 2024 at 7:50 pm

I have nothing to add to Stus analysis except the volatility of the polling for 2026 makes the outcome hard to call. The polling is calling into question normative trends. It could be the discontinuity or political vacuum we hope for. One thing I know Starmer is doing Sarwar no favours. I doubt Labour’s projected 48 MSPs already. I usually put a long term bet on political outcomes. I have absolutely no idea this time round.


27 August, 2024 at 8:50 pm

Rev Stu states:

ANY plan – not just Sheppard’s cretinous-monkey effort – that’s based on somehow amassing an irresistible level of public support is a hopeless one. The numbers simply do not permit it. A narrow win is the best win we can hope for, and that means that however imperfect it is, the only realistic route is by winning a majority of votes in an election on an unambiguous platform of declaring independence in that eventuality.

The state of all the pro-indy parties in 2024 suggests that even that is a long-term ask. It’s the only thing Sheppard is right about. But for as long as the SNP – and pretend “grassroots” groups like Believe In Scotland – continue to insist that independence also means rejoining the EU without asking the people, even the early 2030s is a target of deluded optimism bordering on flat-out insanity.

Well seeing as my gravitar is a cretinous monkey…

Half a dozen articles ago you were pointing out how influential the Wings Wee Blue Book was in increasing support for returning Scotland to self-governing status in a short timeframe.


We are well aware the NuSNP and astroturf ‘pro-Indy’ group are just taking the piss now, so if we want them destroyed and the roadblock removed then we need to be actively working towards creating something to replace them with.
Relentless negativity with no positive action will just leave an unfilled vacuum, and piss away even more time.
And all the while Scotland and our resources are being evermore exploited whilst the demographic changes take further effect.

It’s not just the pro-indy Parties that are a skipfire. Unionist Parties are also highly compromised with the policy positions and trajectory they are taking and this desrves to be called out too.

I’m sure a politically smart and erudite individual or group could with relative ease produce a simple straightforward manifesto that would resonate with the Scottish electorate.
Plant the seed soon and allow it to grow for the next GE which would at least give a decent amount of time and a simple to understand voting system to try to elect a majority of 57 individuals with a majority of the overall vote share to end the Union in a Parliament where constitutional matters pertaining to the UK reside.
The next Scottish “government” election is too soon, with an overly complex voting system that suits Parties who inevitably won’t work with each other, and as Holyrood is a devolved parliament which has no remit on UK constitutional matters and is an instrument of Westminster’s Scotland Act, it is a significantly compromised endeavour to focus on.

Robert Louis

27 August, 2024 at 9:22 pm

Tommy Sheppard is entirely indicative of the malaise and lack of political nous within the SNP now. My goodness, sitting back waiting for some miracle to happen is just idiotic, but seems to be what Tommy is suggesting.

As a political force, YOU create the narrative, YOU declare independence is urgent, YOU tell people Scotland can and WILL be better. THAT is what a political leader wanting independence would do. Like many politicians nowadays, Tommy has forgotten that golden rule; you need to start talking about the change you want to enact.

Want proof? From day one, Alex Salmond ALWAYS talked independence. At each and every turn. No matter the subject or context, he would angle the key points to why independence was not just needed, but essential and urgent for Scotland. He still does. In every interview, and every occasion. Nobody in the current SNP does, and Sturgeon the tractor, certainly never did.

You as a politician need to create the narrative. You are the person who must raise the relevant issues. You are the one to say, ‘THIS, is the solution…THIS is why we need independence’.

I just don’t understand why the likes of Tommy Sheppard just cannot see that. Of course folk are not demanding independence, because the supposedly pro-independence party, the SNP, isn’t demanding it either.

This isn’t rocket science, FFS!


27 August, 2024 at 9:53 pm

Salvo, Liberation & a convention is the only way.

The best way to terminate the union is focusing on the terms & conditions of the actual contract. That’s even what an international court would do & that’s the way to end it without question once & for all.

Westminster is a complete waste of everyone’s time. The pretenders have already wasted ten years of everyone’s time, more interested in every other fcking cause than the one they were actually given a mandate for. Same applies to Holyrood. The colonisers last outpost creamed full of yoons on the take out front with a further legion outback to make sure everything remains exactly in the colonisers interests.

The whole world is shifting. Attitudes are changing. Colonialism is over on the international front as other countries are finally getting their shit together & evicting them. It only brings violence & mayhem while the country is raided blind. The great lie of democracy & values has been exposed. They West are the next pariah states & they know it. It’s coming at them fast & why they’ll throw everything they can at R & C, Global Sales, BRICS, Belt & Road & everything else. Even use nukes if they have to.

While they were fcking about with genders & who could burn fossil fuels or not, the rest of the world was busy actually doing something that’s now coming to fruition. A new UN is already being discussed too. Yahoos knuckle dragging thugs helped speed that along nicely on the floor of the UN ( & I thought Farage was bad in the EU lol)

Alf Baird

28 August, 2024 at 8:48 am

Robert Louis @ 9:33 pm

“they’ll send in troops. Seriously?”

Well, colonialism is described as ‘force’ (Fanon) and also as ‘geographic violence’ (Said). Much as we saw in Ireland, in India, in Kenya and in numerous other former and current colonies. Hence the aspect of ‘force’ is not merely theoretical – and is similarly a reality of Anglo-Scottish history and military occupation.

Colonialism is also based on psychology, and is therefore about instilling ‘fear’ in a people. We might recall ‘project fear’? As Cesaire put it:

“I am talking about millions of men in whom fear has been cunningly installed, who have been taught to have an inferiority complex, to tremble, kneel, despair, and behave like flunkeys.”

In short, then, through force and fear “colonialism has grafted modern abuse onto ancient injustice, hateful racism onto old inequality.”

Which would also help explain the SNP’s ‘petrifaction’ and ‘lack of courage at the decisive moment’ (Fanon). The national party elites ‘fear’ of ‘force’ has made them into ‘watchdogs of colonialism’ and they have been ‘drawn under colonialism’s wing’ (Fanon).


28 August, 2024 at 9:31 am

Aye & the longer they stay in their role the more entrenched they become in the fear.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but Sturgeon should’ve been jettisoned in 2017. It was absolutely clear she’d no intention of making a move – just counting down the momentum of 2014 & letting advantage slip while allowing a Brexit we never voted for ravage the Scottish parliament through the power grab.

She was in on this from the start. No one in their right mind would’ve accepted the Smith pish & definitely not without it being etched in stone by legal means. Scotland had WM by the bollocks in 2014/15 & Sturgeon released them the moment she took office.

A tractor of the highest order, but they all are. All were complicit & every single one of them needs to go.


28 August, 2024 at 11:03 am

The UK is trying to get some kind of a deal with Germany. This is shifty stuff. One of those little stories most people will not pay attention to. But it goes back in history and shows the incorrigible cuntish supremacy of the anglo scumbags.

First of all, the EU as a western european trading bloc, is a good idea, but it got ruined over time by anglo american subversion – it also became an arm of international zionism. So, it’s turned to shit. Southern europe isn’t really a good fit, but it’s not terrible; eastern europe should not be in it, and this eastern procession where EU and NATO go hand in hand, was always a bad idea. Now we have this tranny rainbow DAVOS WEF parody of a shitty bond film with strange villains telling us we will “own nothing and be happy” – “you will eat ze bugs” – and that everyone must accept mass immigration of infinity africans, total support for israhel, all kinds of pervy sex, but the natives having kids is “killing the planet” … it’s really turned to shit, but it was the english and the americans wot dun it.

de Gaulle, a great french nationalist, from his wartime experiences, knowns what a gang of cunts the english are; he blocks their membership as he knows they will stir the shit from day one, wanting special deals and exceptions for themselves. Britain in the 60s was really fucking poor and was desperate to get access to europe – but that’s not to think they would be “grateful”; no, they are never grateful, just entitled, and will try to takeover.

Despite all the special deals the UK got, all the EU ever got was news stories about “straight bananas” and Brussels attempting to control Britain. In fact, what happened was – the english were pissed off because the EU was democratic and they couldn’t just take over – that was the real beef. The final straw was this : in the 90s a backdoor offer was made to Germany, that they and the english would turn the EU into a duopoly – make decisions among themselves in the background. The germans told them to get rekt.

– this is when the brexit stuff starts, first with james goldsmith and the referendum party; but no one likes billionaires and they had to find a “man of the people” to front it. Our Nige.

So, they got their brexit; and it has been shit, with none of the “amazing trade deals” – and so now they are refloating their old idea. The germans would be mad to have anything to do with them and just tell them to go through Brussels, who will not rip up the rules for them.


Everyone hates the English. For good reasons – they are always trying to pull some kind of crap. No one wants anything to do with them. Being in a political union with them is a unique form of torture, of hell on earth, – we have had 300 years of it and we deserve a rest.

Some people with a time machine would go back and kill baby Hitler; I would be waiting for Hengist and Horsa with a belt fed machine gun as they got off the boat. Or give William of Normandy enough modern weapons to do a better job on the anglos.

The english ruin and pollute everything they touch and once we get them gone our entire society needs “steam cleaned”. First we need to lose this ball and chain.


28 August, 2024 at 1:21 pm


Tomorrow Liberation Scotland will receive their first legal advice on their case to the UN about Scotland’s colonisation.

Spread the word and collect signatures to join Liberation Scotland on their website.


28 August, 2024 at 6:47 pm

@ Sarah at 5.56

GMK appears to have concluded that he’s the “voice of the grassroots” on the grounds that there were 155 people at his wee meeting.


Robert Louis

28 August, 2024 at 7:10 pm

Alf Baird and Anne at 1039am,

The issue, as I outlined is this; London sends in troops, and support for independence climbs to 100% within seconds. Nobody in Westminster would dream of such action, as they would realise they would only feed the desire for independence.

Of course it happened previously, but that was a very long time ago, and for very different reasons. Neither military interventions ultimately proved successful for London. Just caused even more resentment.

This garbage about ‘sending in troops‘ when Scotland declares itself independent is a unionist trope, designed to make folk feart. It’s nonsense. It could only ever permanently destroy any notion of ‘partnership’ or Scotland working with England, and would massively increase the desire for independence. It would also cause a surge in English far-right extremism in England. So, in short, it would never happen.

Alf Baird

28 August, 2024 at 8:58 pm

Robert Louis @ 7:10 pm

Yes, colonial procedures or ‘force’ can mean many things aside from military; e.g. justice system, police, oppressive laws, security services etc, each involve ‘force’. Also, limited public services, housing, lack of economic or educational or cultural opportunity for the oppressed group implies ‘force’ of another kind.


28 August, 2024 at 10:28 pm

Surely the key takeaway is that, unless people wake up to the reality of the situation, that England will never willingly grant Scotland another referendum without heavy diplomatic pressure, there won’t be another referendum in the 2030s, why then and not now?

Unless the SNP or Alba go down the decolonisation route via the UN why will England grant another referendum?

We all know they only granted it the first time because they thought they would win easy. We now know it is 50/50 what the result will be next time.

Decolonisation is the only solution to the democratic outrage of repeated referendum mandates being rejected.

When Scotland wakes up to that, we can make the next steps on our journey to independence. Until then, we are in stasis.

Even the ISP, they can abstain from Westminster as much as they want but they have no good Friday agreement and no route to a referendum.

Decolonisation is the only way.


29 August, 2024 at 7:26 am

Stu Liberation are days away from UN registration. They can then put Scotland’s case and engage the UN Decolonisation program. That means a referendum run under international standards. So that means native born Scots and maybe long term residents. Not all and sundry as Scotgov stupidly wants.

Native Scots vote Aye in 2014. It is coming, either you get with the program or you become a dinosaur and get swept away because you have no information and have said nothing about it.


29 August, 2024 at 10:26 am

Salmond should’ve got behind the only game in town= decolonisation.

Where the corruption & interference is at least to a bare minimum & events are beyond the control of our colonisers.

He didn’t despite banging on that we’re Sovereign, despite banging on about the Claim of Right, he still chooses to “ask” Westminster pretty please & that everyone living here five minutes is suddenly a sovereign Scot too & should have a claim over our constitution.

It’s a return to the Nicola pish. That fantasy where everyone is good & proper & plays fair & they falsely punt that (failed) “Gold standard” horseshit.

Salmond isn’t stupid. There isn’t a cat in hells chance he’ll return to Scottish politics. Dark forces will prevent it.

His best hope, imo, & a great big fuqu2 to the establishment, is to immediately call a convention & get behind Liberation & Salvo. Get back to basics that proved to work in the past, the same method that delivered a parliament & forget rigged elections – they’ll never be legit in his favour. 2014 was on a knife edge before “the vow” – the English nearly lost their greatest prize, Scotlands vast wealth, they’ll NOT make that mistake again without force.

Alf Baird

29 August, 2024 at 10:40 am

Geri @ 9:55 am

“The time to try save the SNP has expired. No one stepped up to the plate to split, overthrow or replace Nicola & her cohorts & no one in the membership went absolutely daft that no one elected Swinney. They’ve turned into Tories.”

Worse, perhaps, they have turned into colonialists. Which explains their oppressive laws, their delaying independence, rupturing the movement, and attacking the so-called ‘radicals’.

As Aime Cesaire explained, in the case of a dominant national party that has been co-opted by colonialism, the people now need to:”sweep out all the obscurers, all the inventors of subterfuges, the charlatans and tricksters, the dealers in gobbledygook. And do not seek to know whether personally these gentlemen (or ladies) are in good or bad faith, whether personally they have good or bad intentions… because the essential thing is that their highly problematical subjective good faith is entirely irrelevant to the objective social implications of the evil work they perform as watchdogs of colonialism.”


29 August, 2024 at 11:50 am

England’s MPs’ ability to overrule Scotland’s at will on a spurious numeric basis that has nothing whatsoever to do with sovereignty, constitutions, or even democracy, negates the entire fundamental point of Scotland being ‘represented’ in the Union’s parliament in the first place.

Scotland’s MPs, exactly like England’s MPs, are present in the Union’s parliament as the sole formal representatives of their entire sovereign parent kingdom; their purpose in that parliament being to defend and promote the interests of their kingdom within the Union of the two equally sovereign kingdoms. As such they are formally empowered to wield their parent kingdom’s sovereign authority on its behalf. No other body on the planet is so empowered but Scotland’s own sovereign people.

It is therefore ludicrous to suggest that Scotland’s MPs are somehow obliged to defer their own formal decisions, made on behalf of their sovereign kingdom, to the decisions of the MPs of a foreign kingdom! There is literally nothing in the Treaty and Acts of Union that contains any agreement between the two kingdoms to that effect, and therefore it can have no formal constitutional or legal standing. That foreign-ness, and the two sovereignties, both eviscerate the argument that ‘democracy’ justifies England’s voting superiority in the parliament.

It is not widely-enough known, disgracefully even amongst MPs, that it is Scotland’s MPs alone who bring with them into the Union’s shared parliament the authority it needs to govern the Scottish half of the union. The parliament has no other source of authority over Scotland. England’s MPs certainly can claim none whatsoever, as they represent only the English sovereign half of the Union, and not the Union itself.

That England’s MPs can ‘outvote’ Scotland’s MPs to impose their English authority over Scotland despite even a unanimous rejection by Scotland’s MPs is a literal perversion of constitutional sovereignty! Doing this even once merits the death penalty for the Union. Yet England’s MPs have been exerting Scotland’s stolen authority in this way for three full centuries and more without even a hint of formal dissent from Scotland’s MPs! That failure condemns both Scotland’s and England’s MPs.

With the English establishment unilaterally and arbitrarily denying the authority of the entire Scottish half of the Union, then the Union is no union, it is an unequivocal and unwarranted hostile takeover of Scotland by England, under egregiously false constitutional and legal pretences. The Union as actually governed is an English establishment scam, and the authority by which the Westminster parliament has been governing Scotland on the basis of English MP votes alone is bogus, fraudulent, and unlawful because it and they have usurped that authority from Scotland’s MPs!

As such that English-enforced governance is as large and serious a breach of the Treaty of Union as could possibly be made and the Treaty cannot therefore be considered valid under international law, and the Union itself is a fraudulent and unlawful entity!

Saying you have authority isn’t the same as having that authority, and having that authority isn’t the same as legitimately having that authority, and being able to exercise illegitimate authority does not and cannot validate it.


29 August, 2024 at 12:30 pm


Completely agree. No more evidence of that needed than to see Sturgeons treacherous mug still in a seat & swanning around Holyrood like she’s relevant. Or *caretaker* Swinney dispensing with elections like a dictator. Relevant only to their handlers in blocking our exit & being a constant source of embarrassment to every single independence supporter out there. That isn’t by accident.

Scotland will never win independence through a domestic set up – ever. Neither will running a plebiscite ref through a branch office. It’d simply be laughed at & the result dismissed as irrelevant.

Salmond needs to wake the fck up imo. 2014 is gone forever . He should’ve got assurances & agreements in legal writing – he didn’t. He should never have allowed every fecker a vote on our constitution – he did. He shouldn’t have left the SNP until after Smith – he did. Yet he still wants to play the game on a domestic setting.

Given the events of U, Georgia & every other conflict they’re involved in, we know with absolute certainly that paid for agitators are *bussed in* especially to fck up votes & sow discontent through NGOs, Lobbyists, or more recently, the biology denying crew & the EDL shenanigans, to throw completely trash elections. To try play along & appeal to their better nature on a domestic footing is a fools errand. Who is he gonna call when they laugh & say “now is not the time” for the tenth time running.

Decolonisation is the only game in town, especially now as so many others are now evicting them too & telling them to pack their bags & leave. No rigged elections needed. Go back to the official contract.


29 August, 2024 at 1:50 pm

29 August, 2024 at 12:30 pm

Decolonisation is the only game in town, especially now as so many others are now evicting them too & telling them to pack their bags & leave. No rigged elections needed. Go back to the official contract.

The elephant in the room, or at least one of them, is Scotland attempting to end the Union and seek International Recognition in a world polarised to the extreme by military conflict and proxy wars.

I honestly don’t know what that means. I don’t think the breakup of the UK would be quiet and discreet affair somehow… Would BRICS nations rush to recognise Scotland? I’m guessing probably yes, BRICS Trade Deal in the bag, especially if it leaves London with a Trident shaped problem to address. But support from BRICS nations might then polarise Western opinion on the Bain principle, with NATO nations determined to crush Scotland’s independent capacities. What would Europe do? Yes, I think, douze points Ecosse,… but maybe not. The EU in 2024 is a different beast, and we’re a long way from Junckers and Verhofstad’s holding pen status of 2016…

My instincts tell me Scotland would secure more than adequate recognition to make Indy stick, but we should be pragmatic and brace ourselves for a number of our “friends” abstaining through political necessity, but actually wishing us every success behind closed doors.

The nightmare would be recognition of Scotland, but only from minnow nations with negligible leverage. But I would hope our representatives would be working on success long before we got to that point.

But we need good people in command of this… Not the current jellied frog-spawn in the SNP.


29 August, 2024 at 4:26 pm

@Captain Caveman
Read Prof Alf Baird’s Doun Hauden book. He explains much in there.

Step one at the UN put our case that the UKgov lie that we are a in a voluntary union so Scots do not need to be Independent is wrong. Establish the reality as explained in Baird’s book is that we were annexed, the Treaty ignored and we have been treated as a colony. Our language Scots is not taught in Schools, we don’t have our own broadcast media, our resources are being plundered & extracted not for our benefit (All that excess power & we pay the highest energy prices & highest standing charges now see these new pylons to ship our power South? Our standing charges will pay for that).

This is only scratching the surface. Pretty much the entirety of Polis bigwigs are not frae Scotland. The heads of our cultural organisations are not Scots. We rarely see ourselves reflected back properly because of this. Some independent theatre productions but how many folk go to the theatre?

And to those who think not letting incomers vote is kicking them out of the country how does that work exactly? It doesn’t affect their right to be here or to vote in other elections though I think we should tighten the Holyrood franchise or we might find ourselves with a ReUnion govt after Indy.


29 August, 2024 at 4:28 pm

“Catherine Smith KC has been made Advocate General for Scotland.”

Catherine’s sister Sarah is the BBC’s North America Editor and her mother Elizabeth is already in the Lords.

The Advocate General for Scotland advises the UK Government on Scots Law.

Catherine is an advocate practicing in Scotland, a part-time Sheriff and sits on the Scottish Civil Justice Council.”

Another daughter of Labour leader John Smith – in a family full of English security services informants.

“Her sister Jane is married to Malcolm Robertson, a founding partner of the powerful strategic communications agency Charlotte Street Partners, and the son of Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, the former Secretary General of NATO and Defence Secretary.”

With this lot – in important positions in Scotland, including the vipers nest – The John Smith Centre at Glasgow University – what chance is there of making a breakthrough on the indyfront.

David Harvie – was also the Crown Agent in Scotland – and Mi5
– our COPFS and judiciary are riddled with informants and gatekeepers, doing England’s bidding.

Alf Baird

29 August, 2024 at 5:09 pm

Captain Caveman @ 2:55 pm

“Personally I think it would be very helpful if you explained exactly what you mean by “decolonisation” – preferably in simple, straightforward, non-riddle terms for a simple guy like me to understand, and how it would be achieved – again, simple, easy to understand steps/actions? TIA. Genuine question(s).”

Happy to oblige. According to the UN:
Decolonization = independence.
How it is achieved = self-determination.

Alf Baird

29 August, 2024 at 6:32 pm

Captain Caveman @ 5:35 pm

“Righto. Well, in that case your must be a very slim book then”

Decolonization via self-determination is not that complex. It is primarily about freeing peoples from alien political/cultural domination and economic exploitation by imperial powers and ending colonial procedures:



29 August, 2024 at 6:54 pm

that’s a lot of bold from mainface there; touched a nerve. Pro tip – don’t edit a post then comment on the edits.

I hold a mirror up to the anglo and call him monster.

shouldn’t you be over “defending” your true national allegiance, which is one of two made-up countries in the east? For a scottish nationalist you sure put a lot of other countries in front of it.

– the chutzpah of some anglo whining about his fantasy of being “ethnically cleansed” while we still have no suitable appreciation of the highland clearances


– Scots and Irish could even end up as slaves in the new world.

that was mere satire though (utilitarianism, anglo saxon hypocrisy, betjeman), which a low double digit IQ like yours cannot appreciate; if you want the full strength “historical crimes of the english” I could do that, if I start now it would only take a week and would dwarf any competition Mia could ever muster.

keep your hatred pure – you will need it


– another day, another robbery; Scotland’s not a country, it’s a crime scene. If we had local market pricing, our energy costs would be close to zero.

funny how, for a man who bored us all with the catch-phrase “show us the money”, he becomes reluctant once it starts to dominate discussions, GDP per capita, comparisons with similar nations.

next up : another essay called “a modest proposal” in which I suggest cannibalizing the english in Scotland as a route to independence.


29 August, 2024 at 9:59 pm

Given my little thesis above at 11:50am, then one of the things that follow from it is that much of the UK’s legislation may be invalid and thus fraudulent and unlawful, if any of it had been passed essentially unilaterally by England’s MPs, despite having been rejected by Scotland’s MPs.

Any decision passed in Westminster with only the formal approval of one of its two kingdoms but not both cannot sensibly be considered a valid Union decision.

Under the existing abusive voting arrangements any unilateral decisions can only have been made by England’s MPs. But England is not the Union, and her MPs are not sitting in their English parliament any more; they are sitting in the Union’s parliament. Therefore they are no more entitled to pass legislation on their own within the Union’s parliament than Scotland’s MPs are.

And, since a lot of legislation is based on related previous legislation, identifying which current legislation is constitutionally and legally valid, and which is not, is going to require a fair bit of historical investigation. I suspect that may be a rather deep and tortuous rabbit hole to jump into!

As well as that invalidity, there is also the issue that Scotland’s constitution, as cited by its 1689 Claim of Right, is under a formal Treaty-based guarantee of permanence, and clearly the Union parliament has never bothered to understand the significance or reach of that guarantee, so that even legislation that was approved by both MP bodies may have breached that guarantee if any of it contravenes Scotland’s constitution in Scotland.

Both of these scenarios are Treaty-breaching ones, and if guilt is found it carries only one penalty; Death to the Treaty and its Union!


30 August, 2024 at 12:06 am


Excellent points as always.

Nawbags try claim a new state was created. That magical one where everyone amaliglamated into one nation, except the English, they were singled out by the hand of God & magically given dominion over all they surveyed & were bestowed the powers to write this new states laws on its behalf & to exclude all others. They were also instructed to collect everyones resources & spend them on themselves.

This UK fella has an uncanny resemblance…

When pointed out the Union only came into being through non negotiable terms to the claim of right they then try the population trick.

So this UK fella also gave them powers over who could be cleared out & who could come in & we should’ve tried harder to breed.

…& Besides, this UK fella claims we’re too thick to run our own affairs or spend our own money & he was only doing us a favour. We’re all ungrateful bastards & they’d be glad to see the back of us whinging drunks & benefit scroungers but we’re not allowed a referendum.

Young Lochinvar

30 August, 2024 at 12:44 am

I sometimes wonder what the percentage comparison would be of MPs/ MSPs etc versus Joe Public booted out of their jobs/ sacked or even jailed for misconduct and “alleged” illegal practices in comparison per capita to us “the great unwashed”general population at large?

Serious question..

Power corrupts, who REALLY Police’s these bampots and their politico fanboys and fangirls and publicly funded deviant focus groups?

Talking of which (and things lavender) when was sneaky Pete the sweetie stealer last seen in public or SHE who must not be named photographed without covering her wedding ring finger?

Just wondering.


30 August, 2024 at 8:32 am

First world problems over on Common Weal…


^^^ Edinburgh has a ream of public transportation options so why not embrace them or get a bike. The exercise will also keep the cardio vascular and muscular systems in good shape.
Try living out in the sticks with few if any public transportation options.
I’m off to fire up the diesel to take a neighbour to an appointment in nearby town because there is heehaw public transportation options that work here.
My next car was planned to be a petrol that I would convert to run on lpg. France is giving incentives to lpg cars, but no, the shitey UK is phasing out access to the cleanest burning fossil fuel. I don’t drive anywhere near the mileage to reach the supposed breakthrough point where the eco benefits a leccy car is meant to have over an ice vehicle.
Mentioned before the bad choice the UK made with energy policy, pushing diesel cars and running gas power stations. If they’d switched options then cars would have had way cleaner emissions so no need for ULEZ, and the diesel oil could have been burnt in power stations where emissions could have been more effectively controlled.


^^^ The Beaker folk of days gone by with their rudimentary but more environmentally sustainable drinking vessels will be shaking their heads if they could see what has become of modern society.

Still waiting on a Robin McAlpine blog explaining how he took the family on holiday to some far flung land on a sailing ship.
He wouldn’t have taken a plane surely… #NeverGoFullKellyGiven


30 August, 2024 at 10:35 am

So – one of the most vile of the treacherous House Jock – our self-coronated FM Teflon John Swinney (VONC’s never stick to him- mainly thanks to f*cked up Greens) has announced – that his unionist party, the SNP, will have to make at the very least £250 million quids worth of cuts across the public sector.

Of course as usual the the SNP – are blaming a foreign countries government for the sate Scotland is in – when, if the b*stards, such a Swinney, and that odious shit Sturgeon, hadn’t sold us out on indy to save the union – we could’ve at the very least mitigated some of the cuts -having all our monies remain in Scotland – by not allowing the foreign government in England steal it – and give us sweetie money back in return.

However that ship, for now, has sailed – and the treacherous SNP are saving their own skins – jobs and positions (as they have since Salmond stood down) at the expense of the public that they sold out.

Our colonial administration – by its own actions (treachery) will makes Scots lives much harder, due to all the cuts coming down the pipeline – we must vote these turncoat b*stards out of office at every turn, along with the Greens, who are not interested in dissolving this illegal union either – and it goes without saying – that indy voter never vote, for the other unionist branch office parties at Holyrood.

That leaves ISP and Alba where you find them.


Wings Over Scotland | The casual hand grenade


30 August, 2024 at 11:24 am

Make no mistake here…….the only option the Scottish Government has left is to shut down Alex’ case by any means possible……
And the only weapon they have left is financial clout….ie using OUR money to force Alex Salmond to abandon the case.
What they do not realise is Alex is not backing down……
They are hoping he does.
Ask anyone who knows him what he values, if they know him at all they will say his integrity.
He ain’t backing down…..He will sell his house and live in a caravan if necessary to finance it AND if he opens a crowdfunder I and almost everyone who knows him will hock their arses to support him.
Scotgov cannot afford to loose this.
The SNP cannot afford to loose this.
Alex Salmond will not allow them to win it.

Who is betting against him ??????????

Fools and SNP acolytes.

Arthur Martin

30 August, 2024 at 11:29 am

This certainly goes a long way to explain why the seemingly open and shut case of embezzlement of SNP funds is still dragging on 3 years after its launch by Police Scotland. The monies were donated and ring fenced for an independence referendum which never took place, the monies no longer exist. Inspector Clouseau could have solved this in 30 minutes after a look at the books and still had time to save the beautiful heiress. There are several individuals who would prefer that these investigations never reach a conclusion but time may be running out for them.


30 August, 2024 at 11:58 am

Thank you, Rev, for keeping us informed and providing these occasional snippets of hope going forward in what is a pretty dreich looking world these days.


30 August, 2024 at 12:02 pm

The SNPG already had a perfect template for procedures for dealing with any complaints, in the Fairness At Work policy.

It was created after broad consultations with all stakeholders and was well reviewed and fine tuned and was the obvious template for any similar system for dealing with other groups.

But that was precisely the problem, it was ‘too fair’.

And that is no use if your true intent is to stitch someone up.

Then you need an Unfairness At Work policy. a tainted by apparent bias policy, an illegal policy.

And that is precisely what was cooked up


30 August, 2024 at 12:17 pm

This is all great – and what a spot, rev. This guy has been sneaking around almost totally un-noticed. I never heard of him.

– but it’s frustrating to watch; you think – surely now, the roof must fall in on them? Like waiting for the massive overhang to collapse in the penny falls.

The only possible explanation for what happened to Salmond was it was a conspiracy, organised by Sturgeon, put into action buy her minions, the complainants of varying enthusiasm. Follow the arrows backwards, it all points to her. Who else could it be? She is a control freak who hates “independent thinkers” and needs to know everything – and yet under examination she claims to be a scatterbrain, who know one tells anything, who can barely keep a diary. All the people involved worked for her, and if they did anything against her wishes, or made her look bad, or dobbed her in it – the retribution would be swift; and yet everyone is just swanning around, onto better jobs, writing books. As the cops would say “there are no other suspects”.

The multiple investigations is worrying; it’s a good way to queer the pitch – if one finds something they can say “that’s the others business” and they can all generally get in each others way, plus it takes more time for running up cul de sacs chasing the side issue, the irrelevant.

John C

30 August, 2024 at 12:33 pm

It is extraordinary that the Sturgeon government has so many legal cases flying around & yet people who were in that government & are at the heart of these allegations are either still in government or in positions of power.

Nobody has been suspended, nobody has yet to be held to account. Only a few journalists in the UK, let alone Scotland, seem to care that there’s a potential story about massive corruption & the framing of an innocent man. Yes, I get there’s legal restrictions on reporting but the lack of basic curiosity from the media is extraordinary.

Ian Brotherhood

30 August, 2024 at 12:43 pm

This is the wee film about the Hebrides which I mentioned on the previous thread.

Well worth a watch.


Dorothy Devine

30 August, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Yahoo! Popcorn at the ready!

I too want this duplicitous shower brought to justice before I pop my clogs.

Happy to add to any crowdfunder necessary!

Craig P

30 August, 2024 at 12:58 pm

This is potentially turning into the omnicrime. Fraud, conspiracy, perjury, false accusation at inquiry, botched procedures, systematic cover-up from not just politicians but entire departments of civil servants, I don’t think anyone has been murdered (or ironically, sexually assaulted) yet but otherwise it’s got the lot.


30 August, 2024 at 1:26 pm

So it could be a case that a corrupt cabal set out deliberately to destroy Alex Salmond.
They were happy to ruin an innocent man, break the law and spend fortunes on a court case their legal experts advised they could not win.

That would be tax payers money of course.

They have imprisoned another innocent man making a crime out of vague jigsaw identification of women proved to by nothing but misguided liars in court.

Now they are ready to waste even more tax payers money in another court case that is likely to end with Mr Salmond, quite rightly, being awarded millions from the tax payers purse in compensation for heinous crimes against him.

Prison spaces must be found for those responsible as the tax payers money means nothing to them.

Will this be discussed at the party conference? Well it damn well should be!

Billy Whizz

30 August, 2024 at 1:29 pm

Interesting stuff. Point of detail James Hynd retired from the Scottish Government about 18 months ago. He also got a gong from the King for the work he led re Liz’s funeral ie operational unicorn . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Demise_Honours

Zander Tait

30 August, 2024 at 1:36 pm

Head on over to the Gordon Dangerfield blog. There is a link top left on this page.

Click on menu.

Click on Alex Salmond posts.

Click on the top story.

In there you will find paragraph after paragraph after paragraph all about James Hynd.



30 August, 2024 at 2:51 pm

So, reading the details – the criminal investigations are “queering the pitch” for the civil case.

– also how can you be “unnecessarily belligerent” about people who tried to put you in Shotts nick, with the murderers and gangsters?

if the peeps read dangerfield’s blog you will get the ins and outs of how this “procedure” was cooked up, and in a very precise way to – catch Salmond and him alone, but also make it look like it was nothing to do with Sturgeon and she was staying out of it, quite righteously.

– it’s quite pathetic, these semi educated folks think they can riddle the documentation with their cheap sophistry and fool everyone.

Viscount Ennui

30 August, 2024 at 3:45 pm

Worse than Watergate.
Much, much worse.
Under the radar for now, but certain to implicate John Swinney, is the school scandal which has led former managers to sue the Care Inspectorate for misfeasance in public office. In short, they fabricated allegations to destroy an independent (non-profit) school for vulnerable pupils which had become a financial inconvenience to a failing local authority.
Why does this involve Swinney?
Because he led the cover-up.


30 August, 2024 at 4:10 pm

30 August, 2024 at 2:54 pm

Given that justice should be seen to be done, and all of Scotland, regardless of political leaning, demands this…


Alex Salmond forced to wait years just for so called process of justice to begin, against the “protected” conspirators who tried to destroy him, yet Mickey Mouse accusations on trumped up charges can be railroaded through the system within weeks, with a farcical conviction handed down despite a backdrop of alleged perjury and evidence of conspiracy swept aside, a shameful custodial sentence, (actually more than one), can be summarily delivered with no right of appeal, and a period of imprisonment served to conclusion for a crime which couldn’t even be defined…. How “slick” and well oiled the process seems,… for some.

It would seem “justice” can moved pretty quick when the mood takes it, but if you’re not one of “them”, if you’re not part of their crooked Establishemnt, your desire for “justice” will require the patience of Job, and all the while, the odds suggest the “justice” eventually delivered will typically be another round of neverending farce.

Alf Baird

30 August, 2024 at 5:50 pm

Breeks @ 4:10 pm

“It would seem “justice” can moved pretty quick when the mood takes it, but if you’re not one of “them”, if you’re not part of their crooked Establishemnt, your desire for “justice” will require the patience of Job, and all the while, the odds suggest the “justice” eventually delivered will typically be another round of neverending farce.”

Indeed, and we are seeing many examples and will continue to do so for as long as ‘colonialism is imperiled’. In a colony the Establishment is always going to be colonial in nature and in terms of its values, i.e. in what it regards as significant.

A fundamental question here is which Crown do they serve? That of Imperial State England (i.e. Westminster), or the Scottish Crown which appears all too briefly on occasion (i.e. representing the ‘sovereign’ Scottish people and kingdom)?

As we frequently see, the colonial myth (aka the UK Union hoax) which depends on the inadequacy of the colonized “is supported by a very solid organization; a government and a judicial system fed and renewed by the colonizer’s historic, economic and cultural needs” (Memmi).

Which is why “the native…hardly every seeks for justice in the colonial framework” (Fanon).


30 August, 2024 at 6:54 pm

Well – listening to media reports and comments from the SNP’s conference – it sounds like the same old shite from the usual suspects talking at the podium – with ex-British soldier and Tumbledown man, Keith Brown saying that the push for indy will continue.

No doubt the Teflon Don John Swinney (no VONC’s stick to him -thanks to the Greens) told concerned members – behind closed doors that – the push for is still on the agenda – as the post mortem opened on the hammering they received in the GE topped the bill.

I have a feeling that the SNP hierarchy – managed once again, to pull the wool over the eyes of the remaining membership; Fool me once shame on you – Fool me twice, shame on me, as the saying goes.

Lorna Campbell

30 August, 2024 at 7:27 pm

It’s always the cover-up that is the loose thread that pulls the garment apart. The SG should have admitted its mess early on and apologized. Incompetent procedure. Once that was in the open, they should have called it quits. They didn’t because they really, really, wanted Salmond out of the way – even more than Westminster. Westminster fears him because he is the only Scottish MP/MSP to put them one the back foot; Holyrood hates him because he is the only Scottish MP/MSP who has the ability to lead us. If this is cleared up before 2026, Salmond will stand again and win. They will have brought about the very thing they tried to avoid. Whitehall warned them, and they have donkeys’ years of cover-ups and incompetence behind them, into earliest times. When are the Scots going to learn that they are amateurs at this game of thrones and cut their losses? We need to be gone soon after 2026.

Young Lochinvar

31 August, 2024 at 1:21 am

Dickie Tea;
Why the glee at getting some trouble maker with issues from elsewhere to sort our problems?

Unionists on here (with a very few exceptions above) can GTF and have a good long hard look at their own Westminster parties and wince at what a load of time served proto fascist gravy train jolly boys and girls on the make your lot of time served nonentities are..

Starmer short stroking in public over Thatchers horrendous evil legacy, Auld Bleary Gordon Broon gaining sufficient sight to have a good one handed auto repeat view of Gazza scoring against Scotland and desperately trying to be as English as the English while not quite pulling it off (ahem) given Teflon Tony’s ability to morph into a being more Engerlush than the Engerlush..

Your lot are a bunch of full time losers here with no credibility to slag off others, Jeez when the best you can pull out the hat is Rooth the Mooth, then, well goodnight Vienna.

An independence core will coalesce after the Sturgeon era omnishambles, 45% doesn’t just evaporate no matter how much you wish it to while, let’s be frank here, the 2014 result regardless of how much you play it up is hardly a resounding ringing endorsement of the Union not least given Better Togethers strategy riding not one single millimetre above the pits of focussing purely on scaring people..

Wow, how to make history making political speeches eh?!

The ones best served here castigating NuSNP are Indy supporters duped by the Sturgeon era perverts and sweetie snatchers, not Unionists who need a good cold hard look at their own well shat in nests.

Remember, Sarwar is a political rabbit caught in the headlights while I doubt Starmer even know who the travelling grifters desperately parachuted into constituencies even are or where their political ambitions and aims lie.

Politicians; they just don’t learn.

Report card/ Must try harder, pay more attention and focus on understanding the meaning of the word “truth”..

Other than that: have a good night.


31 August, 2024 at 10:38 am

Young Lochinvar

Well said.

The unionist are in charge of Holyrood. Crammed full of civil servants & doff capping unionist serfs. A yoon even made secretary of Scotland. In charge of Holyrood. Then we have the yoon MSPs, like seven times loser Murdo who sit there day after day collecting salaries for doing absolutely fuck all to better Scotland. In fact, one double barreled roaster oser even proclaimed, unabashedly, Scotland shouldn’t be allowed to even exist.

SNP is a shower of backstabbing fuckwits, Sturgeons intake of remedials. But let’s not forget whose supposed job it is to sit in committees & thrash out, amend, look for errors, advise, even reject policies put in front of them. That’ll be three yoon parties, the permanent secretary, the secretary of state & all his minions of legal experts.

They’ve been missing in action. Deliberately & by design. The Bain principal is strong. Imagine being so childish to sit in a perpetual strop cause you’ll never by FM again. That was Labour for ten yrs. Even flat out rejecting SNP calls for more Devo, not even a Devo max those feckers promised in 2014 to win indyref. Then we’ve the Tories, squatting for free for of 70 yrs in Scotland. I’ll not even start of Cole Smith, an English tosser who despises the Scots with every poisonous drip of his social media presence.

Yoons need to take the massive log out their eyes & look at the shite they produce & vote for. Not a single one working to make Scots life better in this union. Only their own bank balance & grifting. Congratulations, eejits.

But wait, things are looking up for them. Starmer the kid starver will have his minion win in Scotland again – yay! Oh but wait, there goes over £500 million mitigation with it. Boo hoo when they’ll actually have to dig deep & actually live by yoon policies they actually vote for.

Personally I can’t wait. Labour is apparently going to make Scotland great again with the same Scotland Act, the same reserved matters & the same pocket money. We’re gonna be a fcking utopia. Like, emmmm, last time they were in charge LOL!

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