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A Bumper Summer Special of commentary from Wings readers.

Saturday, September 14, 2024
74 mins

Wings Over Scotland | The Strangulation Of Scotland


31 July, 2024 at 6:38 pm

Massie’s assertion that we want to re-ask the question, simply because ‘we didn’t like the answer to the first one’ is a serious misrepresentation of the truth!

We want to re-ask the question, NOT because we didn’t like the answer to the first one, but because there have been outrageous and abusive changes in our circumstances since the first one, Brexit being the big one on several levels, but by no means is that the only one.

Another major change is that we have discovered via Salvo et al that Westminster’s exercise of authority over Scotland has been fundamentally bogus since 1707, and that England’s MPs have never possessed any formal constitutional right to overrule Scotland’s MPs on any matter of governance of the Union.


31 July, 2024 at 6:44 pm

OMG Massie is so creepy! He is so much a ‘good chap’ with that singleminded viewpoint that England (britain) is superior and Scotland just a little region with ideas above its station. His arguments are completely destroyed by Ponsonby, and he gets visibly agitated at Ponsonby being able to articulate a good argument. Stu is so correct to describe Massie’s argument as an imperialist sneer.

John Hannah

31 July, 2024 at 7:14 pm

Massie has no respect. He isn’t interested in entertaining what he calls separatist movements. He’s happily smug in his Britishness. Discounting the obvious 4 nations make up.

Ponsonby light years ahead as a commentator and analyst.

Our problem to solve is that both equate the movement with the SNP. One target is easy to hit and Massie, more than Ponsonby, is playing up to that. The obfuscation from Massie is tedious.

What’s clear is that Ponsonby wiped the floor with Massie.


31 July, 2024 at 7:29 pm

You’d think with the recent high profile case that’s just gone through the ICJ/UN that yoons don’t get to dictate who has a right to self determination & who doesn’t & they don’t get to dictate terms, impose conditions or seek another countries permission either.

These anti democratic pish artists should be challenged daily. Colonisers are fascists. He doesn’t even see Scotland as a country. It’s a possession. He’d be better suited to GB news.

As for Ponsonby – I’ve always found to be a fair commentator. He knows his brief & doesn’t appear biased during election nights. He’d be better to have the podcast on his own lol.


31 July, 2024 at 7:44 pm

There is a massive difference between the capacity of Holyrood to hold a referendum, and the capacity of the Scottish people to hold a referendum. They are not the same thing!

The first is a Vichy Assembly, a parish council, codified by Westminster’s Scotland Act rulebook, and thus presumeably answerable to its Westminster “superior”.

The latter however, the people of Scotland, DO NOT answer to Westminster, but are themselves sovereign in LAW throughout the realm of Scotland.

It comes as no surprise, indeed it is fairly predictable, that Westminsters puppet Holyrood Assembly answers to Westminster’s colonial Scotland Act, which will be upheld by Westminster’s Mickey Mouse “Supreme” Court.

NONE of the above, neither Westminster, Holyrood, or the UK Supreme Court can squeeze a cigarette paper between the Sovereign people of Scotland and their Constitutional Sovereignty.

They CANNOT change any Law or Constitution which isn’t theirs to change!

This whole fkg narrative about the legality of a referendum is tedious beyond endurance because it’s a wholly disingenuous script designed to perpetuate Scotland’s continual indoctrination; an absolute scandal which Scottish politicians are simply to DUMB to recognise.

There was a time when Holyrood represented something worth fighting for, back when the Institution of Holyrood was codified by Westminster White Sovereignty, but the Members elected to sit in that Chamber were delegates elected by the Red Sovereignty of the people, and clouded ambiguity reigned supreme.

That irreconcilable paradox could have been resolved in Scotland’s favour, with Scotland’s sovereign delegates trumping Westminster’s unconstitutional and non-sovereign misadventure into the Realm of Sovereign Scotland.

Hovever that boat has now sailed since the abject cowardice and ineptitude of Sturgeon’s feckless SNP dunces conceded that Holyrood sits in the shadow of the Scotland Act and can can only do what it’s told.

Is there NOBODY in the Nation of Scotland capable of articulating this message to the Scottish people? Fk me. Somebody change the fkg record.

What Westminster makes, Westminster can break. Holyrood is their shitty wee colonial bridgehead infiltrating into the Realm of Scotland, and they can pull its wings off on a whim. It is theirs.

What the Scottish people make, Westminster CANNOT break, because Westminster can’t fkg touch it, and is OBLIGED to respect as sovereign.

Jeez. Once you see it, you cannot un-see it.

Alf Baird

31 July, 2024 at 7:48 pm

“their true self-perceived nationalities”

Even before listening to this, Rev, I know intuitively that Professor Michael Hechter was right when he wrote about the ‘internal colonisation of Scotland’, our imposed ‘cultural division of labour’, and that:

“The landed classes in Scotland were anglicized, that is to say, they regarded themselves, and behaved, as if they were English.”

Such people may occasionally try to pass themselves of as Scots, but they clearly have no wish to be Scottish nationals, refusing their own national citizenship and preventing the rest of us from our right to have it. Such is the confused colonial mindset of the privileged culturally assimilated bourgeoisie in a colonial society:



31 July, 2024 at 8:01 pm

Breeks @ 19.44.

And, right there, is exactly why I believe that Mr Salmond’s second biggest error of his entire political career (his first being to both resign as FM & endorse Ms Sturgeon as his successor) was to allow his ego to dictate his self aggrandizing ploy of renaming the Executive of our devolved administration a “Government” over the course of one weekend, with no open discussion on the matter.
So now we have an illusory “Government” fettered by matters reserved to Westminster.
Better by far to have accepted and fought against the true position, that we have what one of its originators (Mr Blair) more accurately described as a Parish Council. Or, as believers in colonial theory would I believe accept, a local administration acting on behalf of the true rulers.

Lorna Campbell

31 July, 2024 at 8:03 pm

Their argument, to my mind, highlights precisely why any pre independence referendum is a total waste of time and effort. The Baltic States, for example, held referendums after it had been established that people wanted independence from the stranglehold of the Soviet machine. Elections are, by far, the sensible way of determining a people’s wishes, with a ratifying referendum after independence or when the people’s wishes are clear in the election.

Gaining 56 out of 59 MPs, by the party of independence, was a clear mandate and it was the fault of the SNP that it did not take advantage of that by, for example, withdrawing its MPs from Westminster immediately. That was not the action of a genuine independence party, but of a clique at the top working for the British State.

I am always struck by the parallels between the fight for independence and the fight for female rights in Scotland, and the adamant refusal of ultra loyalist SNP to countenance the latter. The same deaf ear is turned to all logical, rational argument in favour of some airy-fairy GRB togetherness myth as it is to female arguments about the total illogicality and irrationality of TWAW. People who are invested in the myth will not admit that they are wrong or that they are standing in the way of sanity.

Once it has been established – and Salvo/Liberation intends to establish the fact in international law – that there are very clear constitutional pointers for just how deeply conned Scotland has been in relation to the false narrative of the Union, the combination of a positive election, plus international law should outweigh any opposition from Unionist self-interest, whatever the Supreme Court says, because the Supreme Court has never ruled on the Union or on the Treaty of Union, but has accepted the English version of them, the version that is fatally flawed.

It would be a huge step forward for Scotland if the SNP and Labour could genuinely ally with each other in Scotland’s interests, but Labour would have to ditch its Unionist stance first, and that is impossible to see right now. The SNP would have to ditch their SNP 1 & 2 strategy which could well arise again in 2026 (in order to capitalize on the List). Both are far too self-interested to care about achieving independence for Scotland.

Alex Massie is a Tory. It is perfectly possible to be a Tory and also be Scottish, and vice versa, but he is a dyed-in-the-wool Unionist to boot, so his allegiance lies elsewhere. He articulates the Scottish Unionist position, a deeply-flawed one, but just like the SNP ultras about female rights, he cannot admit that the myth is just that, a myth. Even the seemingly smartest people – they are not, it only seems that they are in a qualifications kind of way, but they lack any faculty for critical and logical thinking – fall prey to myths, whereas working-class people with few qualifications but a great deal of adverse lived experience recognize the inconsistencies. It is odd that Alex Massie acknowledges that TWAW is illogical nonsense, but cannot see through the Unionist myth.


31 July, 2024 at 8:14 pm

Q (asked with gravitas) – So what are the conditions under which a vote on independence can be held?

A (reply in petulant childish manner) – I’m not telling you and I’m not putting anything in writing either because I’m British (ie we’ll stall it for as long as possible with outright lies (eg cue another GERS report), like we’ve always done because it’s to the UK elites (sic) benefit to do so.

The only neverendum is the fact that Westminster refuses to join the modern world.

Alf Baird

31 July, 2024 at 8:21 pm

ScottieDog @ 6:45 pm

“Yes, therein lies the difference between unionists and imperialists.”

Is there any difference? There was no ‘Union’, merely a worthless violated one-sided treaty obscuring the standard colonial hoax. Maist Scots noo ken it an aw.

Alf Baird

31 July, 2024 at 8:35 pm

Lorna Campbell @8:03 pm

“It is odd that Alex Massie acknowledges that TWAW is illogical nonsense, but cannot see through the Unionist myth.”

Not that odd, Lorna, if we consider the ‘colonial mindset’ and its ‘defence mechanisms’ and how this all ‘works’. Remember that “colonization is based on psychology” (Cesaire):



31 July, 2024 at 8:49 pm

Ach, maybe Ruth can have a word with Massie…


But as that article was from 2016 and the clip was from 2011, and even with a mandate of the material change in circumstances with the EU vote result, and a “Nationalist” majority in Scottish Parliament it came to nowt.
So fuck aw these shitey bawbag cunty arsehole unionists endlessly dribbling their pish and denying Scotland its democracy and self-determination.
And what’s worse than aw these bullshitting yoons is that the meek subservient skittery skidmark of brain dead Scots jist continue to accept this situation.
I reckon a scientist could hook up a half done 1.5 volt AA battery to a hunk of spam and create an organism that had more cerebral activity and cognitive thought in matters political than yer average Scot.

Antoine Roquentin

31 July, 2024 at 8:52 pm

As con-jobs go, the favoured, positivist reading of Westminster’s sovereignty over Scotland takes some beating. Fair-play to those Salvo people for bothering themselves to go snooping around amongst the documented evidence and extracting the facts from what must be the flimsiest of all imperialist fabrications, ever!


31 July, 2024 at 9:07 pm

31 July, 2024 at 8:01 pm

Breeks @ 19.44.

And, right there, is exactly why I believe that Mr Salmond’s second biggest error…. was to allow his ego to dictate his self aggrandizing ploy of renaming the Executive of our devolved administration a “Government” over the course of one weekend, with no open discussion on the matter.

I don’t agree with you, but I say so constructively.

I think Salmond knew the Constitutional reality all along, and while yes, he agreed to the Edinburgh Agreement etc. etc… I think Salmond was playing the Establishment for effect, because he knew he had the Ace of Trumps, sovereignty, up his sleeve the whole time. He could agree to anything because sovereignty was his catch-all safety net. Scotland is sovereign, not Salmond, and well he knew it.

I think Salmond knows full well the Union has a kill-switch, but he also knows all Hell breaks loose the moment it’s thrown. He doesn’t want a shitstorm, he wants a calm and orderly transition to Independence once the argument has been won emphatically and the Union hasn’t a leg to stand on. He’s a better man than me.

Furthermore, with regard to calling Holyrood a Government, I believe that was Salmond attempting to assert Scotland’s Red sovereignty. He anticipated the day when Holyrood would be obliged to show it’s and and choose it’s master; and be the government of the sovereign people, or the Vichy Assembly of Scotland’s colonisers. A “Government” is the language of Red Sovereignty.

Salmond had done everything necessary to win. He just didn’t see the Redcoat snake in Sturgeon, and she razed everything he built to the ground.

Is that a weakness in Salmond? Possibly, but that seems harsh. If it was, it seems a forgivable error, because Sturgeon certainly wasn’t capable of a betrayal on this scale by herself. Sturgeon is a fiction. Sturgeon is a puppet with her strings being pulled by a greater and unseen malevolence.

Sturgeon herself is weak; therefore no threat signature appeared on Salmond’s radar. That’s how it was done.

I honestly don’t know why people get triggered by Salmond’s ego. In all sincerity I don’t see it. He’s not on any ego trip, but unswerving in his determination to free Scotland and see our Nation thrive. Read the man, not the enemy’s propaganda, or Sturgeon’s shit stirring muck.

For me, Alex Salmond is that man; scorned and covered with scars, who still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars -Don Quixote. (Though Andy Williams probably sang it better).

And the world will be better for this… seeing an Independent Scotland back where it belongs.


31 July, 2024 at 9:18 pm

The baltic states received independence because it suited the yanks to recognise them so they could quickly install a puppet, NATO, a huge chunk of free real estate, a military base pointing at Ruskie & one up on their arch nemesis.

The more you follow geopolitical news the more it becomes obvious the games the Anglo yanks play & the interference they do in every single government around the globe to protect their interests. The SNP was ripe for the turning. Sturgeon eager to please her handlers to wreck any notions of Indy – probably on the promise she’d be well rewarded. We should’ve dumped her in 2017 when she lost 21 seats (many did) & the party should have challenged her as leader.

Scotland – Englands cash cow that’ll never be allowed to just walk out the door. Even if by some miracle we ever did we’d never get fcking peace to enjoy it. There’s no cure for greedy barstewards – they’ll always covet someone else’s resources.

A new world order is on the way. One that will soon ostracise these roasters out of their countries & off the world stage altogether. NATO is a sham & the G7 don’t amount to fck all in practice to be running their mouth.


31 July, 2024 at 9:21 pm

Breeks @ 21.07.

Fair enough, Breekster, we just read this one differently is all. To make my own position re Mr Salmond clear, I’ve posted before and still believe that he is the outstanding politician of his generation. I just believe he was wrong in misnaming a devolved administration as a “government”. All he has achieved by that, my view, is to foster the illusion that Scotland has powers and responsibilities which it does not.
And, honestly, I certainly have no problem at all with folk having the same destination in view having varying opinions en route. Our differing thoughts on Mr Salmond’s renaming the Executive don’t amount to a hill of beans in the context of where we are now and what we want for Scotland. And, honesty compels me to admit that I’m not always correct.


31 July, 2024 at 9:39 pm

“Scotland’s biggest problem isn’t Westminster or the Scotland Act its the strangle hold the SNP has on Independence and the constant abuse by the SNP to keep Scotland a prisoner in the Union for their own ends.”

It’s not just the SNP though; the problem is all of Scotland’s MPs, because they refuse to understand that they are not formally obliged to defer to England’s MPs on ANY matter of the Union’s governance, because nothing agreed in the founding documents of the Union requires them to, and nothing in those documents agreed the use of the single flat vote in the Commons either. It’s that flat vote that gives England’s massive MP numbers the actual means to ‘outvote’ Scotland’s MPs.

As far as the Treaty is concerned, that flat vote is ultra vires and unlawful because neither of the two kingdoms agreed to it, and Scotland’s own sovereignty means it isn’t subject to any English authority anyway.

The same criticism applies to England’s MPs as well, because they also should understand that the formal basis of their ‘presumed’ entitlement to set aside the decisions of the Scottish half of the Union simply doesn’t exist.

The Treaty does NOT require Scotland to be the junior partner in the Union, and neither does anything else.

Lorna Campbell

31 July, 2024 at 11:22 pm

Alf: not even the Americans could have stopped the Baltic States from taking their independence. Granted, NATO and American bases became a form of security against putative Russian aggression.

However, the Soviets never did consider the Baltic States to be Russian as such, whereas the Russians do think of at least part, if not all, of Ukraine as Russian, and, indeed, it was at one time, and NATO there would have been a step too far.

The Americans would eventually have sited nuclear missiles there. A smart Ukrainian leader would have played both sides and kept his country intact as far as possible. Putin, I think, would have accepted a Ukraine still, as an ally, even if it had grown closer to Europe, but not if it invited in NATO.

I agree that, in the end, our independence will have some input from the Americans, whether we like it or not, and accepting that could work for us if we learn to be politically smart, engage with our huge American diaspora and ensure that it’s a light touch and not a heavy hand. America is instinctively isolationist. It might interfere with others, but it does so reluctantly and only when it feels itself to be threatened – much like Russia. Neither wants an all-out global conflict, when proxy wars on the territory of others works much better.

Peter A Bell

1 August, 2024 at 6:39 am

I have long maintained that Scotland’s liberation depends on victory in two different but inseperable battles. There is, of course, the battle to end the Union and restore Scotland’s rightful constitutional status. Prior to that, however, we face the battle to secure the means by which we might exercise our right of self-determination.

The British state is not at present denying our right of self-determination. What they are doing is impeding – by various methods – our access to a procedure by which we can exercise that right. This is unlawful, as Stu Campbell points out. But it is not widely recognised as being unlawful because the British state disguises the fact that it is preventing the exercise of our right of self-determination by the pretence that there is inadequate demand and/or that ‘circumstances outwith their control’ make it inadvisable at the moment. Now is not the time!

The British state is aided in this charade by the ease with which Scots’ – conditioned by centuries of subordinacy and learned helplessness – are persuaded that Westminster’s consent and cooperation is a prerequisite of an opportunity to choose Scotland’s constitutional status and the form of government which best serves our needs, priorities and aspirations.

Scotland’s own political elite has colluded in this deception, insisting that any vote on independence must be “legal and constitutional”. Therein lies our ‘Catch-22’. As a nation and a people, we have been deceived into supposing our ability to exercise what is arguable the most fundamental human right is dependent on the means of doing so being “legal and constitutional” in term of a legal and constitutional framework that has evolved under the influence of England-as-Britain’s imperative to preserve the Union.

This situation is nonsensical, of course. But it allows a charade of democracy and respect for human right which is sufficient for the British state’s purposes.

The reality behind this charade is a constitutional arrangement whereby Scotland’s people are effectively denied a basic human right. We are prevented from exercising our right of self-determination. We are prevented from choosing the constitutional status of our nation. We are prevented from choosing our own government. Scotland never gets the government it votes for. We sometimes coincidentally vote for the same government as England does. But under the Union we cannot get the government we vote for simply because we vote for it. We always get the government England votes for.

The existence of the Scottish Parliament merely disguises the situation, giving us the impression that we are voting for our own government. It is true that we vote for it. But it is not true that it is a government in the generally accepted sense of that term. It is a truncated and constrained and infantalised sham of government.

The great irony is that the Scottish Parliament has impeccable democratic legitimacy. Westminster has none! So, we have a Parliament which is perfectly democratically legitimate, but which cannot provide us with a proper national government. It is prevented from doing so ultimately by the Union.

A new party is being launched for the purpose of introducing into the discourse around the constitutional issue arguments which highlight the grotesquely anomalous nature of our constitutional circumstances and proposes a means of rectifying matter. The New Scotland Party is being formed with the stated aim of restoring Scotland’s independence and establishing a modern democratic republic.

This new party is the first to set out the process by which the people of Scotland can at last accesss the means to exercise our human right of self-determination. This process involves laying bare the reality of our colonial status under the Union. It begins with the Scottish Parliament asserting its legislative competence in all matters relation to the constitution on the basis of its democratic legitimacy as the Parliament directly elected by the sovereign people of Scotland and on the primary ground that this is the only way the people of Scotland can be enabled to exercise our right of self-determination.

Thus, the constitutional issue becomes a human rights issue and, should the UK government choose to mount a legal challenge, it would be transparently an effort to circumscribe our human rights.

New Scotland Party is not yet fully formed. When it is, it will be Scotland’s party of national liberation.



1 August, 2024 at 8:39 am

Nicola Sturgeon has taught us one thing… very clearly. Putting all our eggs into one political basket (e.g. the SNP) is a very bad idea. Too easy to infiltrate and subvert. In fact you are asking for it…

The future is to have a politically well distributed independence movement. With a basket of different parties representing different demographics of the independence movement. That ‘internal market’ within the independence movement is absolutely key going forward.

Having a right of centre, a centre and a left of centre, however you want to frame the political spectrum or sphere, set of independence supporting parties is a necessary first step to becoming independent.

You want that in place first, not some monolithic uniparty like the SNP. That is a very unhealthy situation democratically speaking especially immediately after independence is achieved.

All we need to concentrate on is shifting support for YES, everything else is an illusion. MPs, MSPs, what difference does any of that make now. They are just going to ignore us, they already are.

The independence movement should be distributed and we should welcome it, and the so should its media. Just create our own. No reliance on any one individual. The means to do it are readily available.

Alf Baird

1 August, 2024 at 8:40 am

Peter A Bell @ 6:39 am

“As a nation and a people, we have been deceived into supposing our ability to exercise what is arguable the most fundamental human right is dependent on the means of doing so being “legal and constitutional” in term of a legal and constitutional framework that has evolved under the influence of England-as-Britain’s imperative to preserve the Union.”

Yes, this is the deceit the Scottish establishment including the SNP has joined in with and prolonged, and which has now created the rupture in the movement.

Postcolonial theory (Fanon) predicts this rupture and the split we see between the so-called ‘legal tendency’ in the movement (i.e. an SNP that is wholly dependent on the goodwill of the colonial power, which never materializes of course), and what is termed the ‘illegal tendency’.

Peter Bell is right, as is Salvo and Liberation.Scot, that this is also the point when the ‘independence movement’ becomes a ‘national liberation movement’, focusing on self-determination as a fundamental human right in international law, as opposed to the dominant national party’s failed dependence on the ‘endless goodness’ of an alien oppressor power and its imposed imperialist legal straitjacket.

However, the process of securing self-determination is not necessarily dependent on any existing parliament operating under colonial authority, nor any political party.



1 August, 2024 at 9:15 am

ISP (that’s Independence for Scotland Party) article from July 26th.
Does this existing Party with a good clear easily understood name describing its intentions not look to be forging a path that others couldn’t reach a consensus with and work with rather than creating another Party.


Folk being unable or unwilling to work with others with extremely similar ideas is why I’ve stated for years that the political Party route is handicapped and tainted.
That’s not to say there aren’t some genuine decent folk in Parties, it’s just that egos and even slight differences in outlooks are capable of being escalated and causing reputational damage resulting in poor electoral performance.
That’s why I feel non Party affiliated independent candidates genuinely representing their constituents is the way to go. Trouble is this route would require folk getting off their arses and actually putting in the considerable work in their local constituencies to reach and inform folk, rather than endlessly posting away on wee social media political bubbles which only a minuscule proportion of the electorate are aware of and read.

@ sam at 7:00 am

That’s an interesting article touching on the subject of social media activism actually being a hurdle for effecting change for the reasons I’ve just stated above.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

1 August, 2024 at 10:07 am

“The phrase “respect for equal rights and the principles of self-determination of peoples” is just the sort of vague, feel-good pap that the “UN Charter” is stuffed with. The language was proposed by the USSR and other third-world nations precisely BECAUSE they had no intention of having it applied to their own internal affairs. The USSR never applied it to their own constituent states, and notoriously did not have a polity founded on “equal rights.””

And yet, the USSR is no more and most of its component parts are now independent nations.


1 August, 2024 at 11:08 am

Peter A Bell @6.39am.

Excellent comment Peter – doesn’t it say somewhere in the UN’s Charter on Decolonisation that the country that the people are trying to free themselves from – that, that countries (in this case the English parliament) laws can play no part in the process.

In other words – Westminster cannot set the rules on, or partake in any way, when we decide to vote to leave the illegal union.

That would mean the true roadblock to indy is our ain politicians who know this – but want the status quo kept intact.

Robert Hughes

1 August, 2024 at 12:48 pm

re Ponsonby + Massie . Personally , I couldn’t care less what the likes of those have to say , though I agree the former has a better sense of the * issue * than twitching imperialist buffoon Massie .

re Peter Bell and his proposal for a new Independence Party . As stated previously , my preference is for a more unified non-SNP collective – and as Dan mentions , ISP are already offering a much better , eg broader & deeper , position than any other of the ( nominal ) Independence Parties .

That said , in the absence of the above , what Peter is proposing is sound in principal and laudable in ambition . Let’s not pour cold water on the idea so quickly .

The potential danger is the further fragmentation of the already disparate , unfocused ” Independence Movement ; and whether another Political Party is what’s required at this time ?


1 August, 2024 at 12:51 pm

Massie is starting a new magazine called the Cringe-Tator, first article

“Please Please tell me what I need to do, to be an Anglo like you”

I’M THE KING OF THE JOCKOS, the jocko vip I’ve reached the top and I’ve got to stop, and that’s what’s bothering me


it must be tough, all those years with your tongue-on-balloon-knot and they still leave you in the porch; you did it all right, a decent private school to remove your “accent”, immersed in the anglo world view (all anglo history is a pack of lies worthy of a global negation) but you’re still not good enough

Seriously though, powerful memes using the theme of cuckoldry could be used to effect.

Even that daft canadian woman and her highland r4pe fantasies (In and Out Lander) Gabaldon, had a vicious ass-r4pin for Jamie off the Redcoat at the end of series #1

– not a bad analogy, if somewhat crude and horrendously over extended

If you could reverse the cringe, make it a shameful, embarrassing thing to the public, we would be half way there.



1 August, 2024 at 1:55 pm

Mr Massie claims that “you have the right to choose, but not necessarily the right to choose every time a political party demands it”.

In my opinion he could not be more wrong even if he tried. The people of Scotland have the right to choose at every time they want. It is not for a pro-colonial minded pundit like Mr Massie to dictate when the people of Scotland can demand a choice.

If the people of Scotland choose a political party as the vehicle to convey their desire to reclaim that right 100 times within 5 years until that right is fulfilled, then yes, that party has the right, on behalf of the people of Scotland, to demand that right to choose as many times as required, no matter what Mr Massie and his handlers think or want.

This is where the SNP has catastrophically failed to deliver because they deliberately failed to stand up for what they were elected to do and in doing so, deliberately failed the people of Scotland who put their faith on them.

Further than that, because they simply chose to allow a foreign entity to usurp the people of Scotland’s legitimate right to control their own legislative body and put through the referendum bill in line with our MANY mandates, they have simply pissed all over democracy and the constitutional right to popular sovereignty in Scotland.

So to hell with the SNP. They are a non-entity. They are a waste of space and a waste of time and energy. They have failed and deliberately so. They folded like wet paper when they were needed to stand up. They chose to impose Westminster’s sovereignty over Scotland instead of upholding the people of Scotland’s sovereignty over their own country. They have demonstrated they are no longer fit for purpose and therefore the correct action here is to finally give them the p45 and sending them to the dustbin of Scotland’s political history rather than continue to entertain their nonsense and heel-dragging for another election.

The reality is that, by ignoring our countless mandates for a referendum, it has been the SNP’s choice to negate us that referendum, to negate the people of Scotland their legitimate right to self-determination in violation of the UN charter and to negate the people of Scotland their constitutional right to their popular sovereignty. If I had my way I would jail the cheating bastards for thinking they are above Scotland’s constitution and they can continue taking the people of Scotland for absolute fools.

The Supreme Court of the UK is a byproduct of the parliament of Westminster. I actually seriously question the legitimacy of that court to act as a UK court under the treaty of union.

The permanence and existence of both, Westminster and that English court called “UK Supreme Court” is dependent on the preservation of the Treaty of Union, therefore it is fully dependent on Scotland upholding the treaty and remaining in this union. A referendum where a pro-independence campaign would start with support for independence around 50% is a clear threat to that treaty and to the continuity of those two institutions.

I am frankly beyond astonished that nobody of political standing has pointed out yet the evident conflict of interests that that English court and the parliament of Westminster have in the matter of Scotland’s independence and therefore the referendum.

Neither Westminster nor that English court, which purports to “represent” the entire UK but has demonstrated it only represents the interests of the crown, or even the crown itself are impartial to the dissolution of the Treaty of Union.

Because of this, such a decision should take place in a court that is impartial to the outcome of the decision. Both Westminster and that court and even the crown itself are very much affected, actually their existence as “UK structures” very much depends on the permanence of the Treaty of Union.

The only court in the UK where this could have taken place, impartially, is the Supreme court OF Scotland. The Supreme Court in Scotland does not have to abide by the bogus “parliamentary sovereignty” which is only a convention in English law but has no place in Scots law. I am of the opinion this is the main reason why the political fraud Sturgeon and that embarrassment to her profession Lord Advocate took this matter to an English court rather than to the Scottish one.

If we want Holyrood to become an actual parliament rather than Westminster’s tacky talking shop in Scotland and the vehicle for the English crown to keep usurping control over our legislative and executive powers, we need to ditch the Scotland Act.

If we want to have a proper Justice system without the English crown’s fangs buried deep into our Prosecution Service’s jugular, we need to remove that Crown Office from the back of our Prosecution Service. Only then we can start talking about democracy in Scotland. Only then, Scotland can start exercising its rightful and constitutional popular sovereignty.


1 August, 2024 at 4:15 pm

Back in the day, when I was “on the tools” in journalism on a daily basis, one of my favourite jobs was when I had to sub Massie’s father’s weekly opinion piece for The Scotsman.

His father was a gentleman and an original thinker. It was a pleasure to sub his copy.

I fear his son must be a grave disappointment to him.

Tartan Tory

1 August, 2024 at 4:22 pm

In respect of the UN Charter, I have long held the view that a referendum needs to be held along civic lines, rather than being an ethnic plebiscite.

However, I’m beginning to wonder if that’s not a self-defeating view….

In 2014, the difference in the Yes/No vote was around 400,000. At the time, there were about that number of residents in Scotland who were here from other parts of the EU and yet still had a vote. I have numerous Polish friends who have told me that they voted No because they were frightened of the potential for an independent Scotland to be outside of the EU.

Beyond this, I have a significant number of acquaintances who hail from south of the border, yet are domiciled here in Scotland. Obviously, they too had a vote. As someone who was born in England, you ‘might’ wish to lump me in with that group, but this accident of birth was only because my Aberdonian father was working down south for a year and living there with my mother when I was born. I was conceived in Oban (apparently), have nothing but Scottish ancestry and half of them were forced to learn (and speak) English at school in the Outer Hebrides.

So in terms of the UN’s idea of self-determination of a ‘people’, do we not need to look more closely at the entitlement to vote in a referendum? I understand that in Switzerland, they have separate voting eligibility criteria for its own citizens and for ‘foreigners living in Switzerland’.

If as ‘Scots’ we are a ‘people’ in our own right and with that we have the right of self determination, why on earth do we opt to dilute that right by giving votes to other ‘peoples’ who may tend to retain a separate self-interest or indeed, the interests of the alien sovereign power from which we are trying to remove ourselves?

I know a few people from groups such as ‘English Scots for Yes’ and numerous people who have attended independence rallies who voted Yes in 2014. These people may be denied an independence vote if such were to occur again along less than civic lines. However, I’m beginning to believe that a purely Scottish plebiscite for native Scots would actually make more sense in the UN terms of a ‘people’ seeking self-determination and would ultimately secure that which we all seek.

I do understand the danger here! The real problem is that we do not have proper Scottish citizenship. That can only come about after independence and yet it may actually be needed to achieve that.

However, I think the real issue is that true independence can only come from consent with other sovereign nations. If they opt not to recognise your independence, even after a legitimate and successful vote, you’re going nowhere.

Alf Baird

1 August, 2024 at 4:58 pm

“SMEARING people is a “Security Service job”, a former police officer told an inquiry into undercover operations – just before the live feed was cut off.”

Weel A nivver. Wha wad hae thocht hit.


1 August, 2024 at 6:02 pm

@ Tartan Tory

I’m aware of multiple EU citizens that voted No due to Better Together’s “Best way to lose your EU citizenship is to vote YES” BS. Then promptly fucked off home after “Brexit” vote.
They had fuck all long term commitment to Scotland, many were just economic migrants working here to bank serious coin to take back to their homeland to build a mansion to live in that they could never have earned enough to build working in their own country.
One had been here so long they had all their 3 kids through Uni too, and was happy to up sticks and leave after EU vote.
Speaking to an acquaintance a couple of days ago and he was telling me his ex EU girlfriend was always putting Scotland down, even though she went through uni here, then fucked aff hame without repaying any student debt.
EU citizens here still retain the ability to leave should stuff become unbearable for them, a safety net Scots no longer have with the loss of oor freedom of movement.
Other EU citizens come over here for summer then go home for winter because they can’t stand or afford the heating to get through oor shite winters. They earn fuck all whilst here so don’t pay any taxes but still access oor health care. Total benefit to Scotland’s economy, not.
There’s a reason Westminster allowed EU citizens a vote in the IndyRef but denies them a vote in GEs. Only fucking idiots can’t see that.

@ Young Lochinvar, out of interest did you exclaim “Bravo Madame!” when Collette Walker and ISP launched years ago or were you decrying pop up Parties and cunning plans whilst still clinging on to SNP apron strings whilst the Party was burning mandates and pushing all sorts of insane unwanted policies whilst putting more focus into taking out Salmond than running the Scottish Administration for the betterment of Scottish citizens.


2 August, 2024 at 12:33 am

Young Lochinvar says: at 6:35 pm

I have always found ISP a bit under the radar and lacking in media coverage but if I’d seen an article such as you describe then yes I probably would have.
As for the rest of your “comment”; I have followed Peter A Bells posts across several forums and always find them intelligent and thought provoking.
Other than that you’ve lost me, no idea what you are trying to accuse me of.
Have a nice day.

Of course ISP and AFI were a “bit under the radar and lacking in media coverage” because big “players” and egos just couldn’t get behind something that they didn’t come up with or create.

But if you’d have given a “Bravo Madame” to Collette and ISP back in 2020 presumably because you supported what they were doing, then how does the creation of yet another “Pro Indy” Party that is very closely aligned with ISP help the situation now?
ISP were first to recognise and step up to fill the political vacuum created by the NuSNP pissing away time, burning mandates, foisting incompetent and insane and unwanted policies onto us. Plus NuSNP were also busy trying to fit up Salmond. So when Salmond was cleared in court he then launches Alba in 2021 effectively pissing all over ISP’s efforts.
Well Alba who you’d also have to say have been a bit under the radar have crashed and burned now losing their MPs to the point hard working and committed individuals like Eva Comrie who left Alba (like several other women) stood as an I4I candidate and still managed to beat Alba’s Kenny MacAskill.
Now obviously I4I candidates only had a few months to prepare for the GE so it was always going to be a steep uphill struggle, especially when they were effectively doing it all by themselves with little to no notable support from quite a few of the bigger named Indy bloggers.
Sally Hughes in Perth and Kinross-shire had a particularly rough time of it due to thousands of her campaigning leaflets getting delivered to the wrong constituency, meaning thousands weren’t delivered to folk in the constituency she was standing in so they had no idea she was a potential candidate they could vote for.

So my point is that it has consistently shown to be a fool’s errand to think you can make a significant impact in a short period of time. And if folk have any practical clue about the time and effort it takes to campaign on the ground and reach folk in constituencies of around 70k people, they’d maybe have begun to realise that you have to think smart, be ahead of the curve and make a long term commitment and stick with it, and not just think you can chuck something together quickly in the short term and expect it to work.

That’s my beef and makes me question folk that spent way too long sticking with NuSNP and not getting behind new Parties in 2020 as a Plan B when it was obvious there was no Plan A, and now 4 years later create something so similar to what others already have up and running.
Scottish Parliament election is 2 years away with compromised proportional voting system that the electorate are too dumb to understand making it difficult to make any real inroads.
That’s not enough time, and new Parties will need a lot of candidates which seem in short supply. Multiple Parties will require multiple candidates who will be fighting each other for votes and confusing the electorate and creating vote dilution, so basically a tactical disaster and waste of effort.
This was an issue in last Scottish election with ISP, AFI, and Alba, but ISP stood down. Are ISP and Alba going to do the same for a New Party?
5 years is next GE using simple FPTP and more realistic. Only need 57 candidates and simple campaign message, something that smarter more prescient minds could have been preparing for years ago and could have had a proper run at the GE we’ve just had…

One last thing. Who are the local activists going to be for any new Party? I ask because all the hardcore Indy activists on the ground have already had to endure a real credibility hit due to the Parties they used to campaign for turning into skipfires.
That makes it very difficult for individuals trying to tell the people they speak to that the previous Party they asked them to vote for were actually shite, and yeah the next were not much better, but this time these ones are the real deal, honest…

I interact with a lot of folk in my locale, from the poorest struggling to get by to the estate owning landed gentry. Many are totally scunnered with all Parties and ripe for trying a new way and more local independent representation.
Do you think it is easy to have to continually shed a political skin when living in amongst folk that have known you for decades. You just end up looking like a daft snake oil salesman.
If I was a unionist I would be pissing myself at the state the Indy movement has got itself into.
Proper planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance. Tactics are not a type of mint.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

6 August, 2024 at 1:43 pm

“Bernard Ponsonby and Wings commit the same fundamental over-reach error that all nationalists make in claiming that they speak for Scotland.”

When did either of us claim to be doing that?

Wings Over Scotland | How To Punch Women In The Face

Lorna Campbell

1 August, 2024 at 10:01 pm

We are living in a dystopian nightmare. JKR refused to vote Labour. She did not give them a penny. She told the truth about what is behind much of this: it is a men’s rights movement; but it is also allied to a men’s sexual rights movement. That man looks just like – a man. People with DSDs are always either male or female. They are not ‘trans’ and the males are not females. Their chromosomal identity is either male or female, and it appears that this person was identified as male at the chromosomal level, so his testosterone level was neither here nor there because he had already had the full advantage of a male puberty, with increased muscle mass, bone density, lung capacity, etc.

There can be no doubt now that the ‘trans’ movement has claimed those with DSDs to be ‘trans’ because of the advantages which this bestows on them, at least the males, that is. The Olympic Committee will ban any athlete who has a minuscule amount of some banned substance in his or her bloodstream, but patently obvious men larping as women are just dandy. Never would a flyweight boxer be pitted against a heavyweight, but pitting a woman with less than half the male strength against a man is just dandy.

This man, even if he had been classed as a female originally, would have undergone male puberty – and, more to the point, he would have known that he was male. Caster Semenya certainly knew. The real fault lies with the sporting bodies of the countries of these men, who also know what they are doing.

I await the day when a great, hairy nether-regioned, hairy-legged, six-foot four man in a wee tennis dress and undershorts clumps on to the Wimbledon court to take on one of the wee lassies and knocks her into next week with volleys of 120. What is it going to take to end this misery for women and girls and turn the world the right way up again?

I wish I could say that these larping men are just delusional, but the celebrations when that cheat won tells its own story: it is quite deliberate and it is aimed at pushing all females out of all public spaces, sports, services, etc. Oh, and, of course, there the added bonus of flitting around the female changing facilities, watching the women and girls, because some of them are only fourteen or fifteen. In other circumstances, you would be arrested, but the ‘special ones’ avoid all scrutiny and sanction.


1 August, 2024 at 10:08 pm

Women athletes – I mean REAL women athletes need to take a stand, it has to begin somewhere – so why not at these Olympic Games. I felt sorry for that Italian woman boxer who has trained hard – and made sacrifices to be at the Olympics, only to be robbed of any chance of victory by a man who the IOC see a as woman

The IOC is an utter disgrace – not just for allowing men, and they are men to pretend to be women and compete against them – in which the women will lose against bigger, stronger, faster men – but for allowing a country that’s committing jen0ci-de to compete at the 2024 Olympic Games.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

1 August, 2024 at 10:22 pm

Important New Book – Compilation of Essays:

‘THE WOMEN WHO WOULDN’T WHEESHT: Voices from the Front-line of Scotland’s Battle for Women’s Rights’. Edited by Susan Dalgety and Lucy Hunter Blackburn. Published by Constable (30 May 2024).


“On the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, this book captures an important moment in contemporary history: how a grassroots women’s movement, harking back to the suffragettes and second wave feminists of the 1970s and 1980s, took on the political establishment – and changed the course of history.”

“Through a collection of over thirty essays and photographs, some of the women involved tell the story of the five-year campaign to protect women’s sex-based rights.”

“Author J.K. ROWLING explains why she used her global reach to stand up for women.”

“Leading SNP MP JOANNA CHERRY writes of how she risked her political career for her beliefs.”

“Survivors of male violence who MSPs refused to meet are given the voice they were denied at Holyrood.”

“ASH REGAN MSP recounts what it was like to become the first government minister to resign on a question of principle since the SNP came to power in 2007.”

“Former prison governor RHONA HOTCHKISS charts how changes in prison policy in Scotland led to the controversy over Isla Bryson.”

“It is the story of women who risked their job, reputation, even the bonds of family and friendship, to make their voices heard, and ended up – unexpectedly – contributing to the downfall of Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first woman first minister.”

“Above all, it is the story of the women who wouldn’t wheesht.”

Contributions also by Susan Dalgety, Lucy Hunter Blackburn, Lisa Mackenzie, Kath Murray, Professor Sarah Pedersen, Susan Smith, Ann Henderson, Joan MacAlpine, Sally Wainwright, Jenny Lindsay, Claire L. Heuchan, Gillian Philip, Johann Lamont, Shereen Benjamin, Fiona McAnena, Pam Gosal MBE MSP, Rachael Hamilton, Ms M, Lorna Irvine, Elaine Miller, Caroline McAllister, Mandy Rhodes, Kathleen Stock, Iseult White, Magi Gibson, Nina Welsch, Nicole Jones.

Ian McCubbin

1 August, 2024 at 10:50 pm

As a former runner who competed for over 30 years and accepted being beat by more athletic males and females in Open races, this just stinks. I no longer view the Olympics as fair or valid. They have dropped off a cliff now.


2 August, 2024 at 12:17 am

I know it’ll be a HUGE sacrifice but biological women need to walk away. Leave this organisation & all of its depravity & start their own games. It’s beyond embarrassing what the Olympic games have become. It’s a joke.

I know they’ve trained for years. I know it’s sponsorship deals & ambassadors for their sport, yadda, yadda but they’ll
be HUGE Olympians in the eyes of the world to *take one for the team* on behalf of women & girls everywhere.

It’s a lot to ask but once women no longer participate then these depraved thugs will only have other depraved thugs to compete with & the Olympics will die under the embarrassment of being a complete farce.

Stuart MacKay

2 August, 2024 at 6:07 am

Ah, this explains the pastel light blue and pink used for the signage at various events. So, is 2028, in progressive LA, going to be the first trans-olympics where women are told simply not to bother showing up? It’s likely worth keeping an eye on the university teams in the USA to see whether it’s likely or not. I doubt a ginger-haired clown in the White House will make much difference.

Any just to annoy Ruby (with apologies to Lorna)…

The Suffragettes fought, bled, and died for the rights women have today. Rights granted, instead of won, just like favours, can be taken away when the need arises. There needs to be a line in the sand and anyone stepping over it needs to have them chopped off – metaphorically speaking. There’s no point being reasonable. it will simply be taken as weakness, which you are already seeing.

Lorna Campbell

2 August, 2024 at 11:10 am

Ruby: (not ignored): I was trying to point out that these men with DSDs (and I do feel sorry for them, as I do the women with same, and the female athletes) actually do have penises that do grow at puberty, although, perhaps, not at the rate, etc. of a normal penis. and the internal testes can be brought to the surface by surgery or removed, but they will have produced testosterone already. I would suspect that, in Muslim Algeria, so as not to be shunned or worse, the boxer just accepted his wrongly diagnosed ‘femaleness’ and carried on the farce even though he knows, and has known for a number of years, that he is male.

Likewise, his country knows he is male and the IOC knows he is male. Although those with DSDs were brought under the ‘trans’ umbrella, it is not convenient now for them to claim to be ‘trans’ as ‘trans’ is banned from the Olympics, hence the sneering, thumb-nosing, opening ceremony which was so evidently post structuralist and post modernist, sneering at Western traditional mores across the board. Psychopathic narcissism, not way-out creativity.

I agree with you on the remarks by some of the men on here, but far more telling and dispiriting has been the responses from SNP members who have adopted the line that it is better to shut up about women’s and children’s rights in order to concentrate on independence, allowing the ‘trans’ lobby a free bye. The lack of thinking is so evident when everyone with a brain should know that these people put the ‘trans’ question way above independence and always will. The whole point is to overturn society. Women, for better or worse, usually worse, are the very foundations of every civilized and organized society. Ergo, they have to go first.

That is why they infiltrated the SNP in the first place, and why they will infiltrate any other party or organization that they think will give them a piggy-back to power. That is their goal: naked, unadorned power and totalitarian government which will crush all societal norms and mores, laws and prohibitions, and allow them a total free rein on predation of those ‘weaker’: ie. children, women and girls, gay men and women, animals.

The really smart questions are: why, what is the end result they hope to achieve and who is actually behind it all because, what these people have in the sexual deviance department, they lack in the critical thinking one and they are not the ones who believe they can achieve immortality and ultimate power over our lives? A bit of digging provides the answers, but they will shock and horrify – and frighten you half to death.


2 August, 2024 at 11:23 am

Confused @12.04pm.

I never watch the Olympic Games – although there are Scottish athletes competing at the games – they are not competing under our ain Scottish flag, no they are competing under the Union Jack banner – and most disappointingly many of them appear quite pleased to do so.

Lorna Campbell

2 August, 2024 at 4:26 pm

Alf: yes, an all-encompassing identity is what is being striven for, with an elite that is mega-wealthy and reaching for god status and immortality. I would doubt that many women have these delusions because we are far too close to the bloody, nitty-gritty of human life to harbour such nonsense.

John C: doctors today would sex test a baby with ambiguous genitalia and, perhaps, suggest surgery to afford the child genitalia closer to that of the male or female. Parents, at least, would be told that their child has ambiguous genitalia so that they could agree to sex testing at the very earliest stage of life and so that children are not raised as the opposite sex by mistake.

Caster Semenya is the perfect example of the arrogant DSD male who shows no remorse for cheating. He has said that women are weaklings and made it very plain that he despises female athletes. He is a man, right enough. I would suggest some enterprising person should lead a silverback male gorilla into the male weightlifting category and state that it identifies as an adult human male.

Apart from the fact that this placid creature is normally as docile as a lamb except when it or its family and troupe are threatened, unlike many men for whom violence is endemic, it would knock all the men into a cocked hat for strength. The men might then understand in no uncertain terms how female athletes are disadvantaged when placed up against male athletes. It is just a simple fact that gorillas are very much more powerful than men, just as it is also a simple fact that men are stronger than women – except, maybe, in the brain department.

Does being outstrengthed by a gorilla make men weaklings and worthy of being despised? Nope. Men and gorillas are different species and there are sound biological reasons for the different strengths. Same with women and men. We are different for a reason, and it, too is biological. Females are not inferior men just as men are not inferior gorillas. Some, with peanut brains, just do not get that. Worse, they think that their preoccupations are much, much more important than those of females. Mother Nature is becoming very angry.

Lorna Campbell

2 August, 2024 at 10:52 pm

Hatuey: just as society changes over time, so humans must also change and develop to embrace the society of the day. Maybe, at one time, men and women had strictly defined roles – you know, when the chaps went out to fire arrows at mammoths and the women stayed at home in the cave with the bairns and did absolutely nothing all day. Except they did, didn’t they? The females were the gatherers and lo and behold, what do we discover? That the gathering – nuts, fruits, berries, etc. – were absolutely essential to the human diet when meat was scarce and to supplement it when it wasn’t.

If the Olympics has taught us anything, it is that women shoot just as well, and sometimes better than the chaps. Ditto, archery. Ditto any sport that does not require the bludgeoning effect of physical strength. Granted, strength itself can be an admirable thing, especially in sport. The sexes are complementary, not exclusive and abusive, with male strength the excuse to harm women and deprive them of autonomy.

I don’t suppose you have ever watched young children playing in a nursery, say? If you ever do, you will see immediately that the wee girls are just as prone as the wee lads to climb, run, jump, race, throw balls, etc. All humans need to be able to exercise and excel if they want, and both sexes need to exercise their equal brains (which are, in reality not very different, except in defined areas).

Can you explain to us all here how being stuck your entire life within four walls, cleaning, washing, doing housework would go down with you or most other men, how you or other men would take to not being allowed to drive or receive an education, never to walk outside on your own to feel the sun on your face? That is the life that many women and girls across the world live.

Yes, males and females do have roles suited to their biology, but who decided that female biology was inferior, that females had to be denied life-sustaining equality in the interests of…you know, men? Would that be men, by any chance? Can you tell us of an instance, any instance, of men’s biology being controlled by women, of men’s social lives being controlled by women, of their rates of pay being controlled by women. You can’t, because there are none.

Even the little bit of autonomy that women have carved out for themselves is being whittled away by men in frocks or by men who claim to be female, and they are being cheered on by other men – misogynists who have a vested interest in keeping women out of public spaces, sports, services, etc. Mother Nature is starting to get very angry. Very angry, indeed.


3 August, 2024 at 7:07 am

2 August, 2024 at 11:54 pm

…looks like we have lost 400K Scots and gained 500K English. Now, there is some recycling here – english coming up and going home…

I’d be willing to bet the 500k didn’t move into the same actual properties the 400k vacated…

But those numbers are catastrophic for Scotland.

Alf Baird

3 August, 2024 at 8:45 am

Dan @ 7:56 am

“And Mia pretty much called this 3 years ago well before the census.”

As did others before. Demographic change (e.g. population displacement or ‘shift’, including ‘banishment of natives’) is a well-established ‘colonial procedure’ and clearly one of the key determinants of independence/liberation for ‘a people’ seeking self-determination:


Robert Hughes

3 August, 2024 at 9:54 am

@ Breeks

” I’d be willing to bet the 500k didn’t move into the same actual properties the 400k vacated…

But those numbers are catastrophic for Scotland. ”

No , they are all moving to the new housing developments that are abounding all over the Highlands . * Developments * that are seemingly able to by-pass local planning authorities & local objections – exactly what Springfield done in my area .

They say ” we need to build these to satisfy local demand ” then 90% of the now houses are bought by people from ” elsewhere ” . This includes the small % of houses that are in the ( fictional ) ” affordable ” category , as well as the equally minuscule % of houses-for-rent .

Does anyone really think the total balls-up and provisional/spasmodic nature of the recent Scottish Census was accidental ? Mere incompetence ?

Scotland is being subjected to a reverse Plantation , with the express aim of diluting the indigenous population that is far more likely to support Independence that those born elsewhere .

I don’t need a Census – particularly not one so mired in deliberate obfuscation – to confirm what my own experience indicates . Not just my own experience . The same thing is being noticed – impossible not to notice – by friends & acquaintances all over the Highlands .

Scots are being * replaced * in their own country . And not a single Political Party /Politician has a word to say on the phenomenon .

They’ve ALL been scared shitless into silence by the threat of being called a ” bad name ” . Though a high % of them couldn’t give a fuck about the erasure of Scots/Scottish Culture ( y’know that * thing * some thing doesn’t even exist ) , and care only about getting their bulbous snouts in the HolyMinster trough .

Alf Baird

3 August, 2024 at 10:27 am

Dan @ 9:54 am

“I was trying to recall where the line a lack of urgency should not be a factor or excuse in delaying matters of a peoples exercising self-determination is written.”

Yes, on the contrary it is written and repeated in postcolonial literature that ‘the most urgent matter is freeing the people’ (Fanon). This means there can be no delay, which as we see only allows the colonial power to cement its position.

But liberation of the people is not the purpose of the dominant national party, whose leaders crawl ‘ever closer to colonialism’, and who end up behaving like a bunch of criminals, working only in the colonizers interest:


Alf Baird

3 August, 2024 at 11:16 am

Robert Hughes @ 9:54 am

“they are all moving to the new housing developments that are abounding all over the Highlands”

And Fife, Lothians, the isles etc.

As Albert Memmi wrote:
“Today, leaving for a colony… is simply a voyage towards an easier life. definition of a colony: a place where one earns more and spends less. The colonizer is a privileged being and an illegitimately privileged one; that is, an usurper”


3 August, 2024 at 12:48 pm


I fear that 317 years of conditioning and 50+ years of 100% foreign media have done the job, many Scots [40%+?] are too thick/brainwashed/apathetic to see through the lies and will bleat about energy prices/cost of living/crumbling infrastructure etc but will insist that it’s the Scottish Government to blame. [As intended].


3 August, 2024 at 2:31 pm

Great link, Alf Baird

Grousebeater pulls no polemical punches:

‘Sir David Davis’ litany of sinister plotting by a coven of witches, aided by swinging dick David Clegg, (recipient of the illegal Daily Record leak direct from back-to-the-mattress Liz Lloyd) Clegg a definite for a prophylactic or two tucked into his top pocket “For the weekend, sir?”’


4 August, 2024 at 12:41 am


“Major Georg Sooden and Lieutenant Raul Juriado, who served in the 20th Estonian S-S Volunteer Division. Both fought with the German Na-tz-is in WWII.”

Aye – Any port in a storm. They’re absolutely shameless. It’ll match the ones all over U where Bandera is a hero & they’ve wasted $millions on renaming streets, squares & erecting statues to honor him & his Nazi collaborators since the American lead coup & all while begging the EU & USA for weapons & cash who scoff at P saying he is denazify U & calling him a liar. The evidence is all over the internet.

In every other country this would be a crime but there they are supporting & funding that shit including Yahoo, the biggest faker of them all who is currently re-enacting the whole Nazi shit show of exterminating an entire people while the EU cheerleads itself to extinction.

There’ll be no going back from this – public sympathy is now lost & the UN will be overhauled. What an embarrassment the UK was at the emergency security council meeting the other day, in complete defiance of what’s going on, it followed orders from its master with the “right to defend themselves” pish that no one is buying anymore. An invader doesn’t get to play that card.

Alf Baird

4 August, 2024 at 8:35 am

Shug @ 10:09 pm

“Well england seems to be on fire”

That would seem the ideal time for any remaining colonies to wave cheerio to the Brutish cultural illusion.

Swinney playing the fiddle while Rome burns.


4 August, 2024 at 11:37 am

This is utterly disgraceful – arms on sale here are used to murder women and children in West Asia – which is happening right now.

“A MAJOR arms conference is set to be held in Edinburgh at a council-owned venue, The National can reveal.

The SPIE defence and security conference will see engineers and international arms industry leaders descend on the Scottish capital between September 16 and 19 for the event at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).”


Robert Hughes

4 August, 2024 at 7:39 pm


You’ll remember Iain Lawson wrote a great account of how the cabal centred around Sturgeon rapidly n ruthlessly took total control of the SNP . Robin’s succinct description of the same subject is equally revealing ; and equally shocking : the effective * dismemberment * of what had been an exemplary member-led Party .

The bastards destroyed it ; in record time .

When I first learned about all THAT – via Iain’s piece – I remember thinking ” to what end ? ” ; what was the motivation ?

This concentration of power into a small inner circle could ( maybe ) have been justified if the leadership had then used that power to go full-on for Independence , battering down any obstacles in the way of realising that ambition . At least DOING SOMETHING ! ANYTHING !

Instead they done , not even nothing , less than nothing .0000 of fuck-all :they put the Cause of Scottish Independence into reverse , rammed their feet on the accelerator n smashed the * vehicle * into a solid wall of concentrated shit . It’s still there .

All that power and look where it took them – and us .

It would merit a gold medal in the Gullibility Olympics to believe this all occurred through happenstance , ego , vanity , incompetence etc . No doubt all of that was involved ; but not only that.

The (known) protagonists were the fiddle ; ” someone else ” held the bow

Alf Baird

4 August, 2024 at 8:40 pm

Robert Hughes @ 7:39 pm

” to what end ? ” ; what was the motivation ?”

What we are witnessing is the three phases of decolonization and where certain events occur in each phase (Fanon):



Wings Over Scotland | The Tools Of Injustice


5 August, 2024 at 1:12 pm

You’re not fighting for justice Mark, you’re fighting against injustice and malicious impropriety.

You must see this through, and win. Otherwise, this grotesque monster survives to ruin somebody else’s reputation and integrity.


5 August, 2024 at 1:15 pm

This has shocked me to the core even though I know this mafia are as crooked as they come.

This must be fought or the world I want to live in is gone and we live in a banana republic forever.

I’m in for any crowd funding.
Can we start a petition to investigate this blatant corruption.
Can David Davis report it in Westminster.
Can a call for an inquiry be raised in Holyrood.

Why has no one ever been put though this process before and what has it cost the tax payer.
Who is responsible for wasting so much time and money while we live in a 14 year long recession.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

5 August, 2024 at 1:44 pm

Mark Hirst writes:
« Why were as many as a dozen specialist detectives and officers working my case when they are normally assigned to serious crime investigations including rape and murder? Why were multiple Procurator Fiscal Deputes and other Crown Office staff, up to and including very senior Crown Counsel, scrutinising my case in such detail? »
As I have observed online before, the despicable stitch-up of Alex Salmond and its aftermath surely provides us with a clear case of what contemporary Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, in his book ‘State of Exception’ (2005), terms “homo sacer”, ie an individual who in an extreme Kafkaesque manner finds themself in a no-man’s land neither conclusively inside nor outside the judicial order.

Agamben points to Guantanamo Bay internees and stateless asylum seekers as classic examples. The individual is here viewed by the State as a “non-person”, paradoxically trapped by the law but also abandoned by the law. The consequence of that latter vulnerability is that (and this is the relevant point here) they can be attacked with impunity — and let’s never forget Kirsty Wark’s hatchet job scandalously re-enacted by the BBC.

We also noted the parallel in another post somewhere that protesting women in Scotland can find themselves under attack while police are present yet who disgracefully refuse to protect them. The ‘State of Exception’ before our eyes.

Agamben further points out that in any state of emergency (eg involving martial curfews, “national security” measures etc) the State ironically thereby also itself steps — legally as it were — “outside the law”, and is therefore able to act injuriously and with due “legally illegal” impunity against targeted citizens.

It seems now arguable that Scotland itself increasingly exhibits such a condition of being “homo sacer”, manifesting as a no-man’s land at the mercy of UK “special measures” whim, and with no higher international referee. Especially so if our own historic Scottish judiciary fails us all by being deviously complicit, naively compliant, or just grievously cowardly.


5 August, 2024 at 1:51 pm

I am constantly amazed at how dishonest, unethical, unjust, unfair and malicious some of the top folk in the Scottish judicial system are. They absolutely stink. Putrid.

They are total whores as well. If there was some form of totalitarian government in Scotland (gosh imagine that) they along with PS would be at the forefront of doing it’s evil bidding. As long as they keep their place they don’t give a fuck about what is ‘right and wrong’.

Stitching people up, sending people they know to be innocent to jail anyway, hiding exculpatory evidence… When I look at some of them they are far bigger crooks then most of the folk they are in court with.

Eager little helpers in the weaponization and politization of the judicial system. You would think they would have a bit more integrity and backbone but fuck no. Absolute snakes.

Happy to go along with being used to wage ‘lawfare’ on innocent people. And it is not like they don’t know better, they, of all people, know exactly what they are doing.

It is also so tin-pot state, banana republic without the bananas as someone here said, squalid.

Tinto Chiel

5 August, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Disgusted but no longer surprised by the state of the law in Scotland.

A successful crowdfunder might make the authorities less sure of themselves.

@Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh 1.44: a worrying and interesting article and for a second I thought you had written Guantanamo Bay “Inverness” instead of “internees”.

I’m sure that’s another American import the SG would love to open up here to keep down the pesky masses and their quaint notions of justice and fairness. And don’t forget Tony Blair and his phoney Supreme Court nonsense which itself infringes the Treaty of Union by creating a legal entity to sit in judgment of the Court of Session, our highest court.

Looks like laws, like taxes, are increasingly for little people here.

Alf Baird

5 August, 2024 at 3:15 pm

More generally, we know (or should know) how a colonial justice system works, and for whom. Of course it works to serve the interests and to uphold the values of the colonial power, and to keep an oppressed group in check. In other words, it works to serve another Crown, which is not the Scottish Crown (i.e. the sovereign Scottish people).

This is not exactly new; the reality of Scotland recording the highest prison population per capita in western Europe has merely bypassed native bourgeoisie awareness until recently – or at least since ‘colonialism has become imperiled’ – at which time ‘they’ (i.e. the bourgeoisie sympathetic to independence) become its targets.

Many Scots, and in particular working class Scots, have always suspected there was something rather unsavoury about this supposed justice system, and the unfamiliar (and expensive) ‘cultural and psychical realm’ within which it does its business.

As Fanon put it, the reality in a colony is that: “The native… hardly ever seeks for justice in the colonial framework.”

And, as an even higher authority said: ‘Fowk cannae ser twa maisters, for thay aye luve ane an laith the ither’.

And that is the inevitable reality where there exists colonial institutions and elites who love an oppressor, whilst loathing the doun-hauden people they profess to serve.


5 August, 2024 at 4:01 pm

For whom/what entity has the Lord Advocate been doing all this dirty work and stomping all over democracy?

Who/What entity is moving the strings of this lord Advocate and the previous one?

Who/what entity is behind all these malicious prosecutions?

Was the same entity also moving the strings of the “ex”-MI5 crown agent who abused their position of power to waste our taxpayers’ funds in the fabricated criminal investigation against Mr Salmond?

Was this entity also responsible for the deliberate suppression of the whatsapp messages from the public? Why? Was the link between that entity and the infamous vietnam group revealed in those messages?

Was this entity also behind the of the Fabiani Farce?

Why wasn’t there a proper investigation into the leaker to the Daily Mail?
When the memo about Sturgeon and the French embassy was leaked by a civil servant in 2015, a proper investigation by the highest ranking civil servant at the time took place. Why didn’t the same happen in this case? Who thought for even a second that leaving Evans, with a clear conflict of interest in the matter and up to her armpits in the sewer, in charge of the investigation could ever be seen in any way or form as impartial?

What entity can possibly have this level of arrogance and contempt for the people of Scotland that ever thought this would be acceptable?

How powerful can that entity possibly be that despite public exposure of these disgusting malicious prosecutions, despite obvious and blatant abuse of power that has now forever tarnished the judicial system in Scotland as partial and shameful politicization, no one single lord advocate, not a single judge or crown agent has been disciplined, never mind sacked for gross misconduct or prosecuted?

Don’t the laws apply to that entity, lord Advocates, Judges or Crown Agents? Why?

Who/What has been moving the strings of the lord advocate and crown agent?

Who/What has been abusing Scotland’s executive and judicial powers and with what right have they done so? Who gave them the right?


5 August, 2024 at 4:20 pm

We saw just how corrupt the COPFS is with the Alex Salmond trial – and the disgraceful fit up of Craig Murray. I wouldn’t put anything past the COPFS – not while Bain is the LA, Wolffe – was the same -of which I’m sure Martin Keatings could tell you a thing or two about -with regards to Keatings questioning if we actually needed an S30 to ditch this illegal union.

It would appear to me that – like in a game of poker the LA is trying to raise the financial stakes to try and force you out of the game. Its utterly disgraceful that you need a shitload of money in Scotland – and elsewhere for that matter, to pursue justice – justice that the courts should dish out on merit basis – via evidence – and not on how deep your pockets are.

This kind of fiasco will continue until the LA is removed from the governments cabinet – and the SNP from office, lets not forget Bain sold us out in the English Supreme Court on our parliaments right to hold an indyref – you are the type of person (an indy supporter who believes in proper justice) that the House Jock establishment in Scotland wants to see locked up.

All I can say is make sure that you make the right choice on what to do next – using your head and not your heart – though I’d be f*ckin livid as well if I were you.

George Ferguson

5 August, 2024 at 4:35 pm


A grousebeater article from 2021 for more background information on Mark Hirst.

@Red 4:01pm
During Operation Banner 300,000 soldiers served in the Troubles of Northern Ireland. Usual strength on any given day over 20,000. Current British Army strength 73,000. The root of the Troubles was perceived to be a two tier Civil Rights approach by one half of the community. Northern Ireland is the smallest country in the UK relatively easy for mobile Army Operations. How many riots in Scotland? How many Mosques have been attacked in Scotland?. The solution there was a political settlement. Humzas call for the Army to be deployed is nothing less than dangerous. As outlined by a fellow Muslim that told him to shut up.

Clive thomson

5 August, 2024 at 4:49 pm

I got 6 months for exposing the alphabetties on twitter. Good luck to you mark and if you need to, crowdfund again. Truth will out


5 August, 2024 at 5:38 pm

The action of the Lord Advocate to by pass the lower courts and remit this case to the Court of Session is further evidence of how utterly corrupt the COPFS and Crown are.

This is banana republic stuff interspersed with mafiosa techniques.

Let no one, and I mean no one, misunderstand the authoritarian and fascist nature of the Police and Prosecution is Scotland.

The authorities may think they can do as the want, that they have the muscle and to an extent they are right. However, and it is a big however, ultimately corrupt oppressive authoritarian governance is met with utterly hostile fightback.

Who guards these authoritarian thugs when the worms with justification turn with time delivered responses.

Northern Ireland showed that. The authorities had all the cards, the political power, the courts, the police, the firepower but when it came to it, folk fought back.

Dorothy Bain and others should remember that when they ditch the mantle of fairness and decency. Descent into chaos can sadly be easily achieved. Thankfully we are not at that stage yet.


5 August, 2024 at 5:45 pm

WTF – the Scottish taxpayer really is a, to be abused cash cow – Alf another one parachuted in from a foreign country.

“Scottish Water paid a £42,000 tax bill for its chief executive to buy a new home in Edinburgh’s plush New Town.

The state-owned firm also picked up the tab for a £29,000 accommodation allowance when Alex Plant relocated from England.”

Alf Baird

5 August, 2024 at 7:09 pm

Republicofscotland @ 5:45 pm

“another one parachuted in from a foreign country”

Aye RoS, tho par for the course in any colony. Scotland has long suffered from what Professor Michael Hechter termed “a cultural division of labour within the UK internal colonialism model”.

I witnessed this discrimination at first hand where very few Scots ever make it to Professor, Dean, Vice Principal, or Principal level at Scottish universities. Only around 1 in 10 academics at Scotland’s elite uni’s are Scots. Plenty of parachutes issued still.



5 August, 2024 at 8:37 pm

F*ck not another one – how about a mural promoting women or even Glasgow itself – or real art – or even the history of Glasgow or Scotland.

“A hand-painted mural in celebration of Pride could be displayed on the building of a city nightclub if Glasgow planners approve.

Global Street Art has asked Glasgow City Council for permission to display the mural at the AXM on 90 Glassford Street. The firm describes itself as one of the world’s leading street art platforms, centering itself around hosting and sharing the world’s most iconic and emerging artists, past and present.

The proposed mural would be in place for 12 months leading up to the Glasgow Pride 2025 event next summer. “

Robert Hughes

5 August, 2024 at 9:20 pm

@ RoS

” It comes as Police Scotland can not be trusted to “defend” the public, according to Glasgow councillor and co-convenor of the SNP Socialists, Graham Campbell and the SNP’s national Bame convenor, Shelly-Ann Brown. ”

Time to call in Graham’s Tranny Army with the elite company of Rasta Furries in the vanguard n strike down Babylon . Or at least a smoke a rake of weed n plot revolution in a Byres Road * ethnic * cafe . Then go hame . No PASARON . JOHN . Pass it here

Ach well , I’d go n join the Aunty Francis Resistance Movement doon in ma auld crib – Glesga – but my Toxic Masculinity got into a ferocious argument wae my Male Fragility , then fckn White Privilege turned-up n stuck his neb in . I walked away n left them to it : put me right aff going doon the road but


5 August, 2024 at 10:08 pm

Police Scotland are holding information on us – and they don’t want you to know about it.

Big Brother Scotland – is alive and well.

“One in 10 Scots listed on secret police database despite many committing no crime.”



5 August, 2024 at 10:27 pm

It looks like the (BMA) – British Medical Association wants to assess the Cass Review – and for now, it has called for the ban on puberty blockers for under-18s to be lifted.

“The doctors’ union also wants a pause on the implementation of a landmark review into gender care for children and young people.

It said it wanted to undertake an evaluation of the Cass Review after academics expressed concern about its approach.”

The usual suspects in the SNP and the Greens – will be delighted with this.



Alf Baird

6 August, 2024 at 9:17 am

Peter McAvoy @ 2:13 am

“I am not a lawyer,but believe the Scottish Justice system although not perfect is one of if not the fairest and most advanced worldwide”

Long time ago I applied to do a law degree at an ‘ancient’ Scottish university and had the entry qualifications to do so. However my application was refused, my punishment for not going to a private school from where most of the intake was and is still drawn.

I was especially interested in constitutional law at the time and in particular the Treaty of Union, and had studied the latter at college and wished to specialise in the area. Yet still I was refused entry by the university in the city of my birth, Edinburgh. I have never regarded this experience as being ‘fair’; discriminatory and prejudiced yes, but never fair.

My lived experience and study of life in Scotland before and since then led me to the conclusion that we are a colonial society in all respects, and this inevitably includes our institutions. Colonial institutions are never ‘fair’, they are always working in the colonizer’s interest and against the native people, who lack opportunity or access to their own resources and human rights in their own land.

Which brings us to the realisation that independence means decolonisation, and liberation from oppression:



6 August, 2024 at 12:59 pm

This is an utter disgrace – our hospitals are crying out for staff yet this is happening – the self-appointed FM of Scotland John Swinney – needs to give his health secretary (Neil Gray) a boot up the backside to wake him up – and sort this problem out now – what a sad state Scotland is in now under the treacherous SNP’s tenure get them out in 2026.

“NURSES have lifted the lid on the staffing crisis in Scotland’s hospitals as newly qualified staff are told there are no jobs – and they should go to England for work. None of the newly qualified paediatric nurses from Glasgow’s Caledonian University had been given jobs within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. But now it has been claimed that the lack of jobs available to young newly qualified nurses is across the board.”

Campaign group NHS Workers United in Scotland has been swamped with messages from newly qualified nurses and existing nurses and are urging unions to ballot members for strike action over the staffing issues.

“This is the last straw, knowing there are newly qualified nurses and they can’t get jobs while the existing staff are struggling. This is the end of our NHS and this is our one last fight before it is gone.”

Anton Decadent

6 August, 2024 at 7:24 pm

Humza is threatening to take his family and leave because of Islamophobia, you know, anyone finally reacting to being labelled far Right, ill educated losers etc for complaining about grooming gangs, parallel societies and the murder of their children. Worth having a gander at the credentials of the scribbler.



6 August, 2024 at 10:08 pm

Clive thomson says:
“I got 6 months for exposing the alphabetties on twitter. Good luck to you mark and if you need to, crowdfund again. Truth will out”

I remember you. You will get justice one day. When the truth ‘is’ out.

Six months will be a badge of honour Clive.

Not as big a medal as Craig Murray’s 12 months but as political prisoners go in Scotland you are in an elite club. I am almost envious.

You were jailed for exposing a conspiracy to send Alex Salmond to jail to thwart his return to politics and our re-gaining our independence.

Hold your head up high buddy. We all know what you did was legally stupid but we all know why you did it as well. And that took guts and integrity.


7 August, 2024 at 11:43 am

Watch out folks the BBC is desperate to talk up a riot in glasgow.

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